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吴彦祖的资料连成一篇英语作文 由 中文名: 吴彦祖 英文名: Daniel Wu 生 日: 1974年9月30日 星 座: 天秤座 生 肖: 虎 三 围: B38 W30 H36 身 高: 1.86米 体 重: 150 磅 籍 贯: 上海 出生地: 美国三藩市 学历:University of Oregon (建筑系) 嗜好:练功夫、旅行、摄影 语言:广东话、英语、国语 家庭状况:父母、2姊 喜爱的运动:游泳、赛车、健身 喜爱的衣着:自然、舒适 喜爱的卡通: Mickey & Minnie 喜爱的电影:《God Father》、《Pulp fiction》、《Citizen Kane》 (08/31/2008 09:01:51) [查看全文] Lying by the Tree to wait for Once upon a time there was a farmer who worked hard in the fields every day.One day, while he was ploughing the fields, he heard a bumping sound. He saw a rabbit lying (08/31/2008 09:01:50) [查看全文] 借喻抒情:一颗闪亮的星-A Shining Star 一颗闪亮的星 【内容提示】 你刚上高中时感到某一学科学习有困难,而教这门课的某某老师对学生非常负责。他(或她)对你进行耐心的帮助,经常辅导你做练习,让你有更多的机会回答问题,还教你学习方法,给你提供学习用品等,这使你对这门课产生了学习兴趣,学习成绩也从而好了起来。这位老师在你的心中是一颗闪亮的星,照耀着你前进的道路。 【作文示范】 A Shining Star A teacher just likes a shining star to students. Miss Fu, one of my English teacher, is a shin (08/31/2008 09:01:50) [查看全文] 小偷来袭 This afternoon when I was sleeping, I was woken up by a noise from the living room. I got up to see what was happening. I was walking outward when suddenly I saw a stranger in the living room through the crack of the door. He was searching and throwing things here and there. He must be a thief. Then I called (08/31/2008 09:01:50) [查看全文] Mother’s Day Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is a holiday when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts and flowers. In many countries, such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and the US, people celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May while many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s day at differe (08/31/2008 09:01:49) [查看全文] TRAVEL由"People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possibly have. Those who dislike t (08/31/2008 09:01:49) [查看全文] 过程说明:制作飞机模型-Making Model Planes 制作飞机模型 【内容提示】 大概你也喜欢制作一些手工模型吧,比如汽车模型、飞机模型、动物模型、机器人模型等。请你把为什么喜欢制作及制作的顺序写一篇完整的说明文。要求把需要什么材料、怎样准备,制作过程和步骤都交待清楚。 【作文示范】 Making Model Planes I am very fond of making model planes. Now I have had six model planes, four fighters and two bombers. You can hardly tell any differen (08/31/2008 09:01:49) [查看全文] Play-游乐Play is an important part of life. Some people ever think that the purpose of life is play. Most Americans spend their holidays playing and more people come to believe that play is the lubricant of life. Open the newspaper, and you will see a great deal of news about movies, concerts, art exhibitions, television programs and all kinds of spo (08/31/2008 09:01:48) [查看全文] 反对克隆的原因和赞同克隆的原因,还要有自己的观点 Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him upset by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missy project, using hundreds upon hundreds of dog's eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos (胚胎) carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate (代孕的) mot (08/31/2008 09:01:48) [查看全文] 以小见大:我做对了吗?-Did I Do the Right Thing? 我做对了吗? 【内容提示】 一天,你和同学在买东西的时候碰见了你们的美国老师Mrs Brandenburg。她让你们帮她买一些水果。你们路过一个水果摊时,女摊主一边指着她的苹果一边用英语喊“这苹果很好”。可能是受了这位女孩纯正英语的影响,Mrs Brandenburg要买这里的苹果。问价钱时这位女孩说是6角8分一斤,但当这位女孩称苹果时在电子秤上显示的却是8角6分一斤。你受着良心的驱使和这位女孩理论起来,女孩嫌你站在外国人一边,说了一些侮辱你的话。你们离开水果摊后,外教知道了事情的真象,很感谢你,并说她由于不懂汉语,经常让人索高价。当 (08/31/2008 09:01:47) [查看全文] 怀念之情:怀念蔡老师-In Memory of Mr Cai 由 怀念蔡老师 【内容提示】 你有一位老师患了胃癌,但他还是坚持上课,就在他不得不去北京治疗的前一天晚上还给你们上课。不久,消息传来,他离开了人世。你要写一篇文章来纪念这位老师,把你对他的了解和怀念,把他对你在学习上的帮助和思想上的教育全都溶于这一篇文章中。 【作文示范】 In Memory of Mr Cai The news that Mr Cai had passed away was known, and I fell into great sorrow. The sound of the rain knocking on the w (08/31/2008 09:01:47) [查看全文] The Computer(电脑时代) 【要求】 在一次主题为“电脑时代”的学校征文活动中,你计划以“The Computer”为题写一篇文章参加评选,你的辅导老师帮助你制订了一个写作纲要,如下: 计算机正广泛被用于各行各业。 在过去的五十年中,计算机得到了迅猛的发展。 计算机最终还是由人来设计和控制。 【范文】 The Computer The computer is widely used in all phases of society. In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, (08/31/2008 09:01:46) [查看全文] An Exciting Basketball Match This afternoon there was an exciting basketball match between our maths and English teachers. The match began a (08/31/2008 09:01:46) [查看全文] The Oriental Pearl TV Tower Walking along the beach, we can see the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower standing like a giant on the other side of the Huangpu River. It's visited by (08/31/2008 09:01:45) [查看全文] The Great Wall The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, (08/31/2008 09:01:43) [查看全文] |