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The telephone is the older female cousin comes, said some crystal matters with me. Lays down the telephone, I groping went back lie down. Carries on greatly, active thinking activity. West thought I must go to the mountainous area plan, does not have the ma
(06/30/2006 07:52:23) [查看全文]
The modern pace of life is just too fast. Everyday as you open your eyes in the morning, you have to move fast or you won't get things done on time. You have no time to enjoy breakfast; you have to run in order to catch a bus; you have to shout and yell to get
(06/30/2006 07:52:23) [查看全文]
The business success, earn money much many, don't represent living quality high.Cervical vertebra disease?Diabetes?Suffer from insomnia?Suppress a 郁 disease?Sexual function obstacle?……Is the modern disease perplexing you?The The The Say more more dimly discern
(06/30/2006 07:52:22) [查看全文]
To clone or not to clone, is that the question?
Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over
(06/30/2006 07:52:22) [查看全文]
We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.
Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste an
(06/30/2006 07:52:21) [查看全文]
初三(9)班 齐颀
“由于人数太多,所以呢,我们不得不,嗯——不得不去掉几个同学,请同学们理解。”您 皱着眉头沉闷地说,“根据同学们刚才试读的表现,下面读到的同学就没用再登台朗诵了。”
(06/30/2006 07:52:13) [查看全文]
初三(10)班 王亚红
背着沉甸甸的书包,迈着沉重的脚步走出了家门。平日里走了很远,扭回头,还能看见妈妈慈祥可亲的面容;现在看见的却只是门口几盆勉强挣扎的残花罢了。一阵酸楚涌上了心头。 到了学校,老师在讲台上讲课,而台下的我认为他在唱“独角戏”。下课了,只是在角落里呆呆地看着课本。因为
(06/30/2006 07:52:13) [查看全文]
初三(9)班 许新华
至今仍很难忘记那个夜晚,仍铭记着老师灯光下的语重心长:“把握今天,努力不使它成为带有遗憾的昨天……” 那是刚进行完一次考试。我因为考得很糟糕,心情非常烦躁,灰心丧气,整天只觉得昏昏沉沉,无所事事。
(06/30/2006 07:52:12) [查看全文]
A Letter of Thanks
Rosedale, California
July 15, 1999
Dear Mrs. Moore,
You may be sure that I shall always continue to enjoy the week which I have just spent in your home with Louise. You did everything possible to make us happy. The parties, th
(06/30/2006 07:52:09) [查看全文]
I did believe the snow was not a scene but a great wonder. It brought me much more than it had.
What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never enjoy.
When I went out for school from home, I was doomed to get a wonder. Everything seemed un
(06/16/2006 08:14:00) [查看全文]
When I was in high school, one of my classmates sit right beside me. His name is ChenLiang. He is my unforgettable person in my life.
I remembered my mathematics was just mediocre at that time, but he was extraordinary and excellent in calculating and solving mathemati
(06/16/2006 08:14:00) [查看全文]
There is an old Chinese saying: Top students come from strict teachers. Perhaps affected by this saying for a long time, we believe it right. However, as time flies, lots of things have changed. Therefore, I am eager to discuss what relation is the best between teachers and student
(06/16/2006 08:14:00) [查看全文]
Every day, people have lots of waste to throw away. Such as used handkerchiefs, plastic bags, boxes, bottles and so on. I cannot imagine how much waste is thrown away every day all over the world.
There are 4 sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic
(06/16/2006 08:14:00) [查看全文]
Westhusin's experience with cloning animals leaves him upset by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missy project, using hundreds upon hundreds of dog's eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos (胚胎) carrying Missy's DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate (代孕的) mother. The wastage of eggs
(06/16/2006 08:14:00) [查看全文]
I think everyone needs friends. A friend is just like a soft wind, or rather a beautiful beam of sunshine. To be exact, he can give you many things you want. When you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends; when you are not happy, your friends will also can to he
(06/16/2006 08:14:00) [查看全文]
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