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Welcome to Baishan Mountain Hotel
Baishan Mountain Hotel is now open for business.
Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain. It has 20 afaigle rooms and 15 double rooms, all with hot showers. A single room is 100 yuan and a double room 150 yuan for one night. You are advised to book in advance.
(06/03/2009 08:08:18) [查看全文]
例如:The bell is ringing now. (一般)
There goes the bell! (高级)
例如:People suggest that the conference be put off. (一般)
It is suggested that the conference be put off. (高级)
例如:He i
(05/20/2009 13:14:54) [查看全文]
  Money is regarded by some people as the most importent thing in life. It is even regarded as the symbol of wealth and social position. For example, with plenty of money a man can do whatever he wants to. He can afford expens
(05/20/2009 13:14:51) [查看全文]
Most people miss their grade school days and think they are the happiest time of their life, but whenever I recall them I cannot help feeling a little sad. In my young days I disliked any dismal atmosphere and could
(05/20/2009 13:14:50) [查看全文]
Childhood is often regarded as a memorable and beautiful period of one’s life and I passed it happily as a grade-school student. My grade school days were really carefree ones. I got along well with my classma
(05/20/2009 13:14:50) [查看全文]
Whenever I remember my grade school days, I tend to be wistful over. Though no more are those days, I will never forget now wonderful they were. I was carefree in my school days and all the year round I lived happil
(05/20/2009 13:14:50) [查看全文]
My grade school days are the most wonderful time I have ever had. In those days I always wanted as eagerly to learn as a dog prowls about in search of food. The teachers taught me not only the three R’s but al
(05/20/2009 13:14:49) [查看全文]
I began school at seven in accordance with the law in a remote village. Short of funds, the school had only a few classrooms, all poorly constructed. Needless to say, our teachers were few, too.  As a pupil I pr
(05/20/2009 13:14:49) [查看全文]
He was from a poor peasant’s family.
He is about 1.72 meters in height
By the age of 14, he had taught himself advanced mathematics.
She is already in her fifties, but she looks younger for her a
(05/20/2009 13:14:49) [查看全文]
Without thinking about her own safety, she rushed out and pulled him back.
He hurried to school, reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.
She told the teacher what had happened to her on the way to scho
(05/20/2009 13:14:48) [查看全文]
I was walking along the street when a terrible accident happened in the street.
One day something unpleasant happened.
The girl fell off her bike and was badly hurt.
Fortunately, the injured peop
(05/20/2009 13:14:48) [查看全文]
We decided to go out for a picnic.
I had a pleasant outing with some of my classmates today.
Early in the morning, we set off for the farm for a visit.
When we reached the farm, we were given a warm welcome.
(05/20/2009 13:14:48) [查看全文]
  He is a dumb. = He is a person who can not speak.
  He refused. = He said “no”.
  I‘ve never seen such a stubborn person. = I’ve never seen such a person who never listens to other‘s advice.
   Examination is a c
(05/20/2009 13:14:48) [查看全文]
  英语语言中笼统词有have, take 等,笼统词的重要特点在于意义广泛,搭配性强,构成词组后可以替代众多具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表达意思。在一些具体动词写不出来的时候,用这些笼统词取代,也能收到异曲同工的效果。
  I experienced a terrible hard time.
  这一句中,experience被遗忘时,用have代替,成为:I had a terrible hard time. 其效果及表达的意义决不亚于第一句。这样的例子还很多。如:
  Do you understand my meaning, sir? = Do you take
(05/20/2009 13:14:47) [查看全文]
At present, short messages are widely involved in various TV programs. People react to them in different ways.
        Defenders hold the view that short messages offer the audiences more chances to pa
(05/20/2009 13:14:43) [查看全文]
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