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Silicon Valley Sees Fastest Growth in Asian Population in US California\'s Santa Clara County, the primary site of Silicon Valley, has become the area that is gaining more Asians than any other places in the United States, said demographic statistics release Thursday. It is a (08/13/2007 06:22:36) [查看全文]
Holiday in Britain and the US Paid Holiday People in the US get 2 weeks a year paid vacation (holiday) form their job. Most British people have four or five weeks paid holiday a year. Americans often complain that tow weeks is not enough holiday, especially when they hear about the longer holiday (08/13/2007 06:22:36) [查看全文]
Tips on Tips 美国小费文化 Part 1 How to Tip at a Restaurant 在餐馆如何给小费 Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1 Lilly: Thank you so much for taking me out to dinner. Martin: It\'s the least I could do. You\'ve babysat so much for me recently. Lilly: It was my pleasure. Your baby\'s such a do (08/13/2007 06:22:36) [查看全文]
Hong Kong Disneyland cuts ticket prices for local residents
(08/13/2007 06:22:33) [查看全文] Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told visiting US President George W. Bush at noon Sunday that China's development will "threat nobody".
(08/13/2007 06:22:33) [查看全文] The Olympic mascot guessing game will soon be over. The long-awaited identity of the mascot for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will finally be revealed by Olympic organizers tomorrow night at a grand ceremony to be held in the Workers' Gymnasium. (08/13/2007 06:22:32) [查看全文] US voices hope Japan can join UN Security Council (AFP) Updated: 2005-11-11 09:14 United States Ambassador to the UN John Bolton voiced hope that Japan would be grant (08/13/2007 06:22:32) [查看全文] The United States and China should have a joint energy research and development program, a senior US Senator said, warning that the two powers could go to war in their insatiable quest for depleting foreign energy supplies. "We are headi (08/13/2007 06:22:32) [查看全文]
Lavish Christmas Gifts Are Out Once Couples Marry Marriage may be the perfect recipe for happiness ?but not for lavish Christmas gifts, a survey showed. The poll by RBS Advanta found that the longer people are in a relationship, the less likely they are to spend large sums of money on each other. While 53 perce (08/13/2007 06:22:31) [查看全文]
今年台湾所有大学指考入学的成绩业已公布。从大考中心所提供的数据看来,考生的英文分数是所有考科里最低的;不含缺考,作文零分者近五千人,翻译零分者更逾二万人。日前台媒发表一篇评论文章表示,台湾学生英文能力令人担忧。本文作者全程参与了非选择题的阅卷工作,每天朝八晚八,四天内密集评阅了1800份来自台湾各考区的试卷,案牍劳形,经手的低分卷不可胜数,看到如此的结果,虽感怵目惊心,却并不意外。 文章说,指考英文的非选择题延续历年的“中译英”和“作文”两大题,中规中矩。今年 (08/13/2007 06:22:31) [查看全文]
Time 美国人的时间观 What is time? Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted, like money? Or is it something we have no control over, like the weather? Is time the same all over the world? That\'s an easy question, you say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24 h (08/13/2007 06:22:30) [查看全文]
7月21日,“维伯国际名校留学招生会”在南宁举行,包括美国密歇根大学、韩国首尔大学等知名院校在内的40所海外院校到场“摆台”,接受市民的咨询。据了解,目前广西出国留学人数以每年30%的速度递增,各培训机构、留学中介针对不同阶层的留学项目也逐渐增多,相对于以前的盲目“镀金”,消费者更趋向理智,留学的目的是为了更好就业。 零距离接触国外院校 当天,悉尼大学、巴黎第十一大学、美国 (08/13/2007 06:22:30) [查看全文]
Last month China said it would reject any international effort to limit its greenhouse gas emissions. The announcement came on the heels of a report that China has become the world\'s emissions leader, overtaking America. China\'s recalcitrance is not unique. With strong bipartisan support, US (08/13/2007 06:22:30) [查看全文]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush dismissed Thursday raising the federal gasoline tax to repair the nation\'s bridges at least until Congress changes the way it spends highway money. \'\'The way it seems to have worked is that each member on that (Transportation) committee gets to set his or her own priorities (08/13/2007 06:22:29) [查看全文] |