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CHAPTER VIII BILLOWS AND SHADOWS A man overboard! What matters it? The vessel does not halt. The wind blows. That sombre ship has a path which it is forced to pursue. It passes on. The man disappears, then reappears; he plunges, he rises (03/26/2008 06:21:26) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII THE INTERIOR OF DESPAIR Let us try to say it. It is necessary that society should look at these things, because it is itself which creates them. He was, as we have said, an ignorant man, but he was not a fool. The light of (03/26/2008 06:21:25) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI JEAN VALJEAN Towards the middle of the night Jean Valjean woke. Jean Valjean came from a poor peasant family of Brie. He had not learned to read in his childhood. When he reached man's estate, be became a tree-pruner at Faverolles. His mother was named (03/26/2008 06:21:22) [查看全文] CHAPTER V TRANQUILLITY After bidding his sister good night, Monseigneur Bienvenu took one of the two silver candlesticks from the table, handed the other to his guest, and said to him,-- "Monsieur, I will conduct you to your room." (03/26/2008 06:21:21) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV DETAILS CONCERNING THE CHEESE-DAIRIES OF PONTARLIER. Now, in order to convey an idea of what passed at that table, we cannot do better than to transcribe here a passage from one of Mademoiselle Baptistine's letters to Madame Boischevron, wherein the conversation between the conv (03/26/2008 06:21:19) [查看全文] CHAPTER III THE HEROISM OF PASSIVE OBEDIENCE. The door opened. It opened wide with a rapid movement, as though some one had given it an energetic and resolute push. A man entered. We already know the man. I (03/26/2008 06:21:18) [查看全文] CHAPTER II PRUDENCE COUNSELLED TO WISDOM. That evening, the Bishop of D----, after his promenade through the town, remained shut up rather late in his room. He was busy over a great work on Duties, which was never completed, unfortunately. He was carefully compiling everything that the Fa (03/26/2008 06:21:16) [查看全文] BOOK SECOND--THE FALL CHAPTER I THE EVENING OF A DAY OF WALKING Early in the month of October, 1815, about an hour before sunset, a man who was travelling on foot entered the little town of D---- The few inhabitants who were at their windows or on their thresholds (03/26/2008 06:21:15) [查看全文] CHAPTER X THE BISHOP IN THE PRESENCE OF AN UNKNOWN LIGHT At an epoch a little later than the date of the letter cited in the preceding pages, he did a thing which, if the whole town was to be believed, was even more hazardous than his trip across the mountains infested with bandits. In the country near D (03/26/2008 06:20:03) [查看全文] CHAPTER IX THE BROTHER AS DEPICTED BY THE SISTER In order to furnish an idea of the private establishment of the Bishop of D----, and of the manner in which those two sainted women subordinated their actions, their thoughts, their feminine instincts even, which are easily alarmed, to the habits and pur (03/26/2008 06:20:01) [查看全文] CHAPTER VIII PHILOSOPHY AFTER DRINKING The senator above mentioned was a clever man, who had made his own way, heedless of those things which present obstacles, and which are called conscience, sworn faith, justice, duty: he had marched straight to his goal, without once flinching in the line of his adva (03/26/2008 06:20:00) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII CRAVATTE It is here that a fact falls naturally into place, which we must not omit, because it is one of the sort which show us best what sort of a man the Bishop of D---- was. After the destruction of the band of Gaspard Bes, who had infested the gorges of Olliou (03/26/2008 06:19:58) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI WHO GUARDED HIS HOUSE FOR HIM The house in which he lived consisted, as we have said, of a ground floor, and one story above; three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above. Behind the house was a garden, a quarter of an acre in extent. The two women occupied (03/26/2008 06:19:56) [查看全文] CHAPTER V MONSEIGNEUR BIENVENU MADE HIS CASSOCKS LAST TOO LONG The private life of M. Myriel was filled with the same thoughts as his public life. The voluntary poverty in which the Bishop of D---- lived, would have been a solemn and charming sight for any one who could have viewed it close at hand. (03/26/2008 06:19:55) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV WORKS CORRESPONDING TO WORDS His conversation was gay and affable. He put himself on a level with the two old women who had passed their lives beside him. When he laughed, it was the laugh of a schoolboy. Madame Magloire liked to call him Your Grace [Votre Grandeur]. One day he rose from his (03/26/2008 06:19:54) [查看全文] |