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(03/27/2008 10:48:19) [查看全文] CHAPTER V A SUITABLE TOMB Javert deposited Jean Valjean in the city prison. The arrest of M. Madeleine occasioned a sensation, or rather, an extraordinary commotion in M. sur M. We are sorry that we cannot conceal the fact, that at the single word, "He was a (03/26/2008 06:24:13) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV AUTHORITY REASSERTS ITS RIGHTS Fantine had not seen Javert since the day on which the mayor had torn her from the man. Her ailing brain comprehended nothing, but the only thing which she did not doubt was that he had come to get her. She could not endure that terrible face; she f (03/26/2008 06:24:11) [查看全文] CHAPTER III JAVERT SATISFIED This is what had taken place. The half-hour after midnight had just struck when M. Madeleine quitted the Hall of Assizes in Arras. He regained his inn just in time to set out again by the mail-wagon, in which he had engaged his place. (03/26/2008 06:24:10) [查看全文] CHAPTER II FANTINE HAPPY She made no movement of either surprise or of joy; she was joy itself. That simple question, "And Cosette?" was put with so profound a faith, with so much certainty, with such a complete absence of disquiet and of doubt, that he found not a word of reply. (03/26/2008 06:24:08) [查看全文] BOOK EIGHTH.--A COUNTER-BLOW CHAPTER I IN WHAT MIRROR M. MADELEINE CONTEMPLATES HIS HAIR The day had begun to dawn. Fantine had passed a sleepless and feverish night, filled with happy visions; at daybreak she fell asleep. Sister Simplice, who had been watching w (03/26/2008 06:24:07) [查看全文] CHAPTER XI CHAMPMATHIEU MORE AND MORE ASTONISHED It was he, in fact. The clerk's lamp illumined his countenance. He held his hat in his hand; there was no disorder in his clothing; his coat was carefully buttoned; he was very pale, and he trembled slightly; his hair, which had still been gr (03/26/2008 06:24:06) [查看全文] CHAPTER X THE SYSTEM OF DENIALS The moment for closing the debate had arrived. The President had the accused stand up, and addressed to him the customary question, "Have you anything to add to your defence?" The man did not appear to understand, as he st (03/26/2008 06:24:05) [查看全文] CHAPTER IX A PLACE WHERE CONVICTIONS ARE IN PROCESS OF FORMATION He advanced a pace, closed the door mechanically behind him, and remained standing, contemplating what he saw. It was a vast and badly lighted apartment, now full of uproar, now full of silence, wher (03/26/2008 06:24:03) [查看全文] CHAPTER VIII AN ENTRANCE BY FAVOR Although he did not suspect the fact, the mayor of M. sur M. Enjoyed a sort of celebrity. For the space of seven years his reputation for virtue had filled the whole of Bas Boulonnais; it had eventually passed the confines of a small district and had been s (03/26/2008 06:24:00) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII THE TRAVELLER ON HIS ARRIVAL TAKES PRECAUTIONS FOR DEPARTURE It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening when the cart, which we left on the road, entered the porte-cochere of the Hotel de la Poste in Arras; the man whom we have been following up to this moment alighted from it, (03/26/2008 06:23:59) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI SISTER SIMPLICE PUT TO THE PROOF But at that moment Fantine was joyous. She had passed a very bad night; her cough was frightful; her fever had doubled in intensity; she had had dreams: in the morning, when the doctor paid his visit, she was delirious; (03/26/2008 06:23:58) [查看全文] CHAPTER V HINDRANCES The posting service from Arras to M. sur M. was still operated at this period by small mail-wagons of the time of the Empire. These mail-wagons were two-wheeled cabriolets, upholstered inside with fawn-colored leather, hung on springs, and having but two seats, one for (03/26/2008 06:23:56) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV FORMS ASSUMED BY SUFFERING DURING SLEEP Three o'clock in the morning had just struck, and he had been walking thus for five hours, almost uninterruptedly, when he at length allowed himself to drop into his chair. There he fell asleep and had a dream. (03/26/2008 06:23:54) [查看全文] CHAPTER III A TEMPEST IN A SKULL The reader has, no doubt, already divined that M. Madeleine is no other than Jean Valjean. We have already gazed into the depths of this conscience; the moment has now come when we must take another look into it. We do so not witho (03/26/2008 06:23:53) [查看全文] |