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BOOK FOURTH.--TO CONFIDE IS SOMETIMES TO DELIVER INTO A PERSON'S POWER CHAPTER I ONE MOTHER MEETS ANOTHER MOTHER There was, at Montfermeil, near Paris, during the first quarter of this century, a sort of cook-shop which no longer exists. This cook-shop was kept by (03/26/2008 06:21:48) [查看全文] CHAPTER IX A MERRY END TO MIRTH When the young girls were left alone, they leaned two by two on the window-sills, chatting, craning out their heads, and talking from one window to the other. They saw the young men emerge from the Cafe Bombarda arm in arm. The latt (03/26/2008 06:21:46) [查看全文] CHAPTER VIII THE DEATH OF A HORSE "The dinners are better at Edon's than at Bombarda's," exclaimed Zephine. "I prefer Bombarda to Edon," declared Blachevelle. "There is more luxury. It is more Asiatic. Look at the room downstairs; there ar (03/26/2008 06:21:45) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII THE WISDOM OF THOLOMYES In the meantime, while some sang, the rest talked together tumultuously all at once; it was no longer anything but noise. Tholomyes intervened. "Let us not talk at random nor too fast," he exclaimed. "Let us refle (03/26/2008 06:21:43) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI A CHAPTER IN WHICH THEY ADORE EACH OTHER Chat at table, the chat of love; it is as impossible to reproduce one as the other; the chat of love is a cloud; the chat at table is smoke. Fameuil and Dahlia were humming. Tholomyes was drinking. Zephine was la (03/26/2008 06:21:42) [查看全文] CHAPTER V AT BOMBARDA'S The Russian mountains having been exhausted, they began to think about dinner; and the radiant party of eight, somewhat weary at last, became stranded in Bombarda's public house, a branch establishment which had been set up in the Champs-Elysees by that famous restau (03/26/2008 06:21:41) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV THOLOMYES IS SO MERRY THAT HE SINGS A SPANISH DITTY That day was composed of dawn, from one end to the other. All nature seemed to be having a holiday, and to be laughing. The flower-beds of Saint-Cloud perfumed the air; the breath of the Seine rustled the leaves vaguely; the bra (03/26/2008 06:21:40) [查看全文] CHAPTER III FOUR AND FOUR It is hard nowadays to picture to one's self what a pleasure-trip of students and grisettes to the country was like, forty-five years ago. The suburbs of Paris are no longer the same; the physiognomy of what may be called circumparisian life has changed completely (03/26/2008 06:21:37) [查看全文] CHAPTER II A DOUBLE QUARTETTE These Parisians came, one from Toulouse, another from Limoges, the third from Cahors, and the fourth from Montauban; but they were students; and when one says student, one says Parisian: to study in Paris is to be born in Paris. These (03/26/2008 06:21:36) [查看全文] BOOK THIRD.--IN THE YEAR 1817 CHAPTER I THE YEAR 1817 1817 is the year which Louis XVIII., with a certain royal assurance which was not wanting in pride, entitled the twenty-second of his reign. It is the year in which M. Bruguiere de Sorsum was celebrated. All th (03/26/2008 06:21:34) [查看全文] CHAPTER XIII LITTLE GERVAIS Jean Valjean left the town as though he were fleeing from it. He set out at a very hasty pace through the fields, taking whatever roads and paths presented themselves to him, without perceiving that he was incessantly retracing his steps. He wandered thus the who (03/26/2008 06:21:33) [查看全文] CHAPTER XII THE BISHOP WORKS The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. Madame Magloire ran up to him in utter consternation. "Monseigneur, Monseigneur!" she exclaimed, "does your Grace know where the basket of sil (03/26/2008 06:21:31) [查看全文] CHAPTER XI WHAT HE DOES Jean Valjean listened. Not a sound. He gave the door a push. He pushed it gently with the tip of his finger, lightly, with the furtive and uneasy gentleness of a cat which is desirous of entering. (03/26/2008 06:21:29) [查看全文] CHAPTER X THE MAN AROUSED As the Cathedral clock struck two in the morning, Jean Valjean awoke. What woke him was that his bed was too good. It was nearly twenty years since he had slept in a bed, and, although he had not undressed, the sensation was too novel no (03/26/2008 06:21:28) [查看全文] CHAPTER IX NEW TROUBLES When the hour came for him to take his departure from the galleys, when Jean Valjean heard in his ear the strange words, Thou art free! the moment seemed improbable and unprecedented; a ray of vivid light, a ray of the true light of the living, suddenly penetrated wi (03/26/2008 06:21:27) [查看全文] |