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BOOK THIRTEENTH.--MARIUS ENTERS THE SHADOW CHAPTER I FROM THE RUE PLUMET TO THE QUARTIER SAINT-DENIS The voice which had summoned Marius through the twilight to the barricade of the Rue de la Chanvrerie, had produced on him the effect of the voice of destiny. He wished to die; the opportunit (03/21/2008 08:53:36) [查看全文] CHAPTER VIII MANY INTERROGATION POINTS WITH REGARD TO A CERTAIN LE CABUC WHOSE NAME MAY NOT HAVE BEEN LE CABUC The tragic picture which we have undertaken would not be complete, the reader would not see those grand moments of social birth-pangs in a revolutionary birth, which contain convulsion mingled with effort, in (03/21/2008 08:53:33) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII THE MAN RECRUITED IN THE RUE DES BILLETTES Night was fully come, nothing made its appearance. All that they heard was confused noises, and at intervals, fusillades; but these were rare, badly sustained and distant. This respite, which was thus prolonged, was a sign that the Government was tak (03/21/2008 08:53:32) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI WAITING During those hours of waiting, what did they do? We must needs tell, since this is a matter of history. While the men made bullets and the women lint, while a large saucepan of melted brass and lead, destined to the bullet-mould smoked over a glo (03/21/2008 08:53:29) [查看全文] CHAPTER V PREPARATIONS The journals of the day which said that that nearly impregnable structure, of the barricade of the Rue de la Chanvrerie, as they call it, reached to the level of the first floor, were mistaken. The fact is, that it did not exceed an average height of six or seven feet. It was built in such a man (03/21/2008 08:53:27) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV AN ATTEMPT TO CONSOLE THE WIDOW HUCHELOUP Bahorel, in ecstasies over the barricade, shouted:-- "Here's the street in its low-necked dress! How well it looks!" Courfeyrac, as he demolished the wine-shop to some extent, sought to console the wido (03/21/2008 08:53:26) [查看全文] CHAPTER III NIGHT BEGINS TO DESCEND UPON GRANTAIRE The spot was, in fact, admirably adapted, the entrance to the street widened out, the other extremity narrowed together into a pocket without exit. Corinthe created an obstacle, the Rue Mondetour was easily barricaded on the right and the left, no attack was possible (03/21/2008 08:53:24) [查看全文] CHAPTER II PRELIMINARY GAYETIES Laigle de Meaux, as the reader knows, lived more with Joly than elsewhere. He had a lodging, as a bird has one on a branch. The two friends lived together, ate together, slept together. They had everything in common, even Musichetta, to some extent. They were, what the subordinate monks (03/21/2008 08:53:22) [查看全文] BOOK TWELFTH.--CORINTHE CHAPTER I HISTORY OF CORINTHE FROM ITS FOUNDATION The Parisians who nowadays on entering on the Rue Rambuteau at the end near the Halles, notice on their right, opposite the Rue Mondetour, a basket-maker's shop having for its sign a basket in the form of Napoleon the (03/21/2008 08:53:20) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI RECRUITS The band augmented every moment. Near the Rue des Billettes, a man of lofty stature, whose hair was turning gray, and whose bold and daring mien was remarked by Courfeyrac, Enjolras,and Combeferre, but whom none of them knew, joined them. Gavroche, who was occupied in singing, whistling, humming, r (03/21/2008 08:53:18) [查看全文] CHAPTER V THE OLD MAN Let us recount what had taken place. Enjolras and his friends had been on the Boulevard Bourdon, near the public storehouses, at the moment when the dragoons had made their charge. Enjolras, Courfeyrac, and Combeferre were among those who had taken to the Rue Bassompier (03/21/2008 08:53:15) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV THE CHILD IS AMAZED AT THE OLD MAN In the meantime, in the Marche Saint-Jean, where the post had already been disarmed, Gavroche had just "effected a junction" with a band led by Enjolras, Courfeyrac, Combeferre, and Feuilly. They were armed after a fashion. Bahorel and Jean Prouvaire had found th (03/21/2008 08:53:14) [查看全文] CHAPTER III JUST INDIGNATION OF A HAIR-DRESSER The worthy hair-dresser who had chased from his shop the two little fellows to whom Gavroche had opened the paternal interior of the elephant was at that moment in his shop engaged in shaving an old soldier of the legion who had served under the Empire. They were talking. (03/21/2008 08:53:13) [查看全文] CHAPTER III A BURIAL; AN OCCASION TO BE BORN AGAIN In the spring of 1832, although the cholera had been chilling all minds for the last three months and had cast over their agitation an indescribable and gloomy pacification, Paris had already long been ripe for commotion. As we have said, the great city (03/21/2008 06:40:54) [查看全文] CHAPTER II THE ROOT OF THE MATTER There is such a thing as an uprising, and there is such a thing as insurrection; these are two separate phases of wrath; one is in the wrong, the other is in the right. In democratic states, the only ones which are founded on justice, it sometimes happens that the fraction usurps; the (03/21/2008 06:40:52) [查看全文] |