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BOOK TENTH.--THE 5TH OF JUNE,1832 CHAPTER I THE SURFACE OF THE QUESTION Of what is revolt composed? Of nothing and of everything. Of an electricity disengaged, little by little, of a flame suddenly darting forth, of a wandering force, of a passing breath. This breath encounters heads which s (03/21/2008 06:40:50) [查看全文] CHAPTER III M. MABEUF Jean Valjean's purse was of no use to M. Mabeuf. M. Mabeuf, in his venerable, infantile austerity, had not accepted the gift of the stars; he had not admitted that a star could coin itself into louis d'or. He had not divined that what had fallen from heaven had come from Gavroche. He had taken t (03/21/2008 06:40:48) [查看全文] CHAPTER II MARIUS Marius had left M. Gillenormand in despair. He had entered the house with very little hope, and quitted it with immense despair. However, and those who have observed the depths of the human heart will understand this, the officer, the lancer, the ninny, Cousin Theodule, had (03/21/2008 06:40:46) [查看全文] BOOK NINTH.--WHITHER ARE THEY GOING? CHAPTER I JEAN VALJEAN That same day, towards four o'clock in the afternoon, Jean Valjean was sitting alone on the back side of one of the most solitary slopes in the Champ-de-Mars. Either from prudence, or from a desire to meditate, or simply in conseque (03/21/2008 06:40:44) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII THE OLD HEART AND THE YOUNG HEART IN THE PRESENCE OF EACH OTHER At that epoch, Father Gillenormand was well past his ninety-first birthday. He still lived with Mademoiselle Gillenormand in the Rue des Filles-du-Calvaire, No. 6, in the old house which he owned. He was, as the reader will remember, one of th (03/21/2008 06:40:42) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI MARIUS BECOMES PRACTICAL ONCE MORE TO THE EXTENT OF GIVING COSETTE HIS ADDRESS While this sort of a dog with a human face was mounting guard over the gate, and while the six ruffians were yielding to a girl, Marius was by Cosette's side. Never had the sky been more studded with st (03/21/2008 06:40:39) [查看全文]
6小时掌握学英语的秘诀!——点击看答案 (03/21/2008 06:40:36) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV A CAB RUNS IN ENGLISH AND BARKS IN SLANG The following day was the 3d of June, 1832, a date which it is necessary to indicate on account of the grave events which at that epoch hung on the horizon of Paris in the state of lightning-charged clouds. Marius, at nightfall, was pursuing the same road as on the p (03/21/2008 06:40:34) [查看全文] CHAPTER III THE BEGINNING OF SHADOW Jean Valjean suspected nothing. Cosette, who was rather less dreamy than Marius, was gay, and that sufficed for Jean Valjean's happiness. The thoughts which Cosette cherished, her tender preoccupations, Marius' image which filled her heart, took away nothi (03/21/2008 06:40:32) [查看全文] CHAPTER II THE BEWILDERMENT OF PERFECT HAPPINESS They existed vaguely, frightened at their happiness. They did not notice the cholera which decimated Paris precisely during that very month. They had confided in each other as far as possible, but this had not extended much further than their names. Marius had told Cose (03/21/2008 06:40:30) [查看全文] BOOK EIGHTH.--ENCHANTMENTS AND DESOLATIONS CHAPTER I FULL LIGHT The reader has probably understood that Eponine, having recognized through the gate, the inhabitant of that Rue Plumet whither Magnon had sent her, had begun by keeping the ruffians away from the Rue Plumet, and had then conduct (03/21/2008 06:40:29) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV THE TWO DUTIES: TO WATCH AND TO HOPE This being the case, is all social danger dispelled? Certainly not. There is no Jacquerie; society may rest assured on that point; blood will no longer rush to its head. But let society take heed to the manner in which it breathes. Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, bu (03/21/2008 06:40:27) [查看全文] CHAPTER III SLANG WHICH WEEPS AND SLANG WHICH LAUGHS As the reader perceives, slang in its entirety, slang of four hundred years ago, like the slang of to-day, is permeated with that sombre, symbolical spirit which gives to all words a mien which is now mournful, now menacing. One feels in it the wild and ancient sadn (03/21/2008 06:40:25) [查看全文] CHAPTER II ROOTS Slang is the tongue of those who sit in darkness. Thought is moved in its most sombre depths, social philosophy is bidden to its most poignant meditations, in the presence of that enigmatic dialect at once so blighted and rebellious. Therein lies chastisement made visible. E (03/21/2008 06:40:23) [查看全文] BOOK SEVENTH.--SLANG CHAPTER I ORIGIN Pigritia is a terrible word. It engenders a whole world, la pegre, for which read theft, and a hell, la pegrenne, for which read hunger. Thus, idleness is the mother. She ha (03/21/2008 06:40:21) [查看全文] |