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实用口译词汇 2008-03-16 21:26:43 两会版: harmonious socialist society 社会主义和谐社会 sound and fast development 又快又好的发展 people's well-being “民生” to safeguard social fairness and justice 维护社会公平和正义 new socialist countryside 社会主义新农村 methane沼气basic living /subsistence allowance system for rural (03/21/2008 06:38:11) [查看全文] Oh, Youth: Do you know that yours is not the first generation to yearn for a life full of beauty and freedom? Do you know that all your ancestors felt as you do - and fell victim to trouble and hatred? Do you know, also, that your fervent wishes can only find fulfillment if you succeed in attaining love and understanding of men, and animals, and pl (03/21/2008 06:38:07) [查看全文] If love does not know how to give and take without restrictions,it is not love,but a transaction. — Emma Goldman 如果爱不是自然而然地付出与获得,那它就不是爱,而只是一种交易。 ——艾玛?高曼 Edward Wellman bade good-bye to his family in the old country headed for a better life in America. Papa handed him the family’s savings hidden in a leather satchel. “T (03/21/2008 06:38:06) [查看全文] 在线阅读:目录
《战争与和平》《War And Peace》第一部 《战争与和平》《War And Peace》第二部 《战争与和平》《War And Peace》第三部 (03/20/2008 06:18:51) [查看全文] CHAPTER IX MARIUS PRODUCES ON SOME ONE WHO IS A JUDGE OF THE MATTER, THE EFFECT OF BEING DEAD He allowed Marius to slide down upon the shore. They were in the open air! The miasmas, darkness, horror lay behind him. The pure, healthful, living, joyous (03/20/2008 06:17:23) [查看全文] CHAPTER VIII THE TORN COAT-TAIL In the midst of this prostration, a hand was laid on his shoulder, and a low voice said to him: "Half shares." Some person in that gloom? Nothing so closely resembles a dream as despair. Jean Valjean thought t (03/20/2008 06:17:22) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII ONE SOMETIMES RUNS AGROUND WHEN ONE FANCIES THAT ONE IS DISEMBARKING He set out on his way once more. However, although he had not left his life in the fontis, he seemed to have left his strength behind him there. That supreme effort had exhausted him. His lassitude was now such (03/20/2008 06:17:20) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI THE FONTIS Jean Valjean found himself in the presence of a fontis. This sort of quagmire was common at that period in the subsoil of the Champs-Elysees, difficult to handle in the hydraulic works and a bad preservative of the subterranean constructions, on account of (03/20/2008 06:17:19) [查看全文] CHAPTER V IN THE CASE OF SAND AS IN THAT OF WOMAN, THERE IS A FINENESS WHICH IS TREACHEROUS He felt that he was entering the water, and that he no longer had a pavement under his feet, but only mud. It sometimes happens, that on certain shores of Bretagne or Scotland a man, ei (03/20/2008 06:17:18) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV HE ALSO BEARS HIS CROSS Jean Valjean had resumed his march and had not again paused. This march became more and more laborious. The level of these vaults varies; the average height is about five feet, six inches, and has been calculated for the stature of a man; Jean Valjean was f (03/20/2008 06:17:16) [查看全文] CHAPTER III THE "SPUN" MAN This justice must be rendered to the police of that period, that even in the most serious public junctures, it imperturbably fulfilled its duties connected with the sewers and surveillance. A revolt was, in its eyes, no pretext for allowing malefactors to take the bit (03/20/2008 06:17:15) [查看全文] CHAPTER ICHAPTER II EXPLANATION On the day of the sixth of June, a battue of the sewers had been ordered. It was feared that the vanquished might have taken to them for refuge, and Prefect Gisquet was to search occult Paris while General Bugeaud swept public Paris; a double and connected operation which (03/20/2008 06:17:14) [查看全文] BOOK THIRD.--MUD BUT THE SOUL CHAPTER I THE SEWER AND ITS SURPRISES It was in the sewers of Paris that Jean Valjean found himself. Still another resemblance between Paris and the sea. As in the ocean, the diver may disappear there. The t (03/20/2008 06:17:12) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI FUTURE PROGRESS The excavation of the sewer of Paris has been no slight task. The last ten centuries have toiled at it without being able to bring it to a termination, any more than they have been able to finish Paris. The sewer, in fact, receives all the counter-shocks of the growth of Paris. Within the bo (03/20/2008 06:17:10) [查看全文] CHAPTER V PRESENT PROGRESS To-day the sewer is clean, cold, straight, correct. It almost realizes the ideal of what is understood in England by the word "respectable." It is proper and grayish; laid out by rule and line; one might almost say as though it came out of a bandbox. It resembles a tr (03/20/2008 06:17:09) [查看全文] |