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Mom: Stop! What’s the matter with you? Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives... Uncle Frank: Look what you did, you little jerk! Mom: Kevin, get upstairs right now. Kevin: Why? Brother: Kevin, you’re such a dise (12/02/2007 09:34:36) [查看全文] 该片是喜剧片《拜见岳父大人》的续集。讲述了格雷格-福克正在与女友策划结婚事宜时,他未来的岳父大人杰克-布莱恩却突发奇想,带领一家人出发去探望格雷格的父母。由于这两对亲家的性格、爱好乃至家庭观价值观都大相径庭,把夹在中间的格雷格折腾得苦不堪言。 下面这段对话发生在一家人出发之前。杰克正在逗自己的小孙子玩,格雷格恰巧在这时候走进来。 Jack:He is taking you in. (12/02/2007 09:34:35) [查看全文] 《教父III》剧情简介 The third Godfather story opens in 1979 New York, some twenty years after Michael Corleone gave the order to have his older brother killed. Michael's children, Mary and Anthony are now grown. Mary (12/02/2007 09:34:35) [查看全文] THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. Certainly, the qualities of Ernest Hemingway's short novel are those which we associate with many great stories of the past: near perfection of form within the limitations of its subject matter, (12/02/2007 09:34:34) [查看全文] 《呼啸山庄》 作者爱米莉·勃朗特,英国女作家。她是夏绿蒂·勃朗特的妹妹。 这座山庄由于经常受烈风侵袭,所以被称为呼啸山庄。约克夏的农场主人安 休,由利物浦带回一个孤儿,取名希斯克里夫。安休将他和自己的孩子辛德礼、凯撒林一起抚养。辛德礼一开始即敌视希斯克里夫,凡事虐待他。但,凯撒林却基于原始的羁绊而和他紧紧的连在一起。安休死后,辛德礼更加暴虐,但也因此,使得羁绊的力量更加强了。辛德礼结婚后,生下黑尔顿,但对他自己的妻子也很暴虐。 凯撒林在一次偶然机会中,接触林顿家富裕的生活。且为了脱离辛德礼所控制的黑暗生活,而接受了林顿家爱德卡的求爱。当她将这事告诉女佣人聂莉时,希斯克里夫在无意中听到, (12/02/2007 09:34:31) [查看全文] 一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 (12/02/2007 09:34:24) [查看全文] 生活充满选择 Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I’d be twins!” He was a natural motivator. 迈克尔是那种你真想恨一恨的家伙,他总是乐呵呵的,总是说些积极上进的话。如果有人问他近况如何,他 (12/02/2007 09:34:24) [查看全文] Royal Lovers Kate Middleton has parted company will Prince William.She is one of many to win the heart of a royal. 凯特·米德尔顿和威廉王子相恋5年后分手。尽管当爱已成往事,但凯特·米德尔顿的名字不会被人遗忘,因为她捕获过的是王子的心。一起走进《天空新闻》近日公布的组图,认识那 (10/20/2007 06:54:11) [查看全文] "Yeah. Deal with it."
"Who's the woman?" I asked Diesel. "Annie Hart." "You've gotta be kidding. Vinnie's on a rant over her. I spent all day yesterday looking for her. She's wanted for armed robbery and assaul (08/31/2007 08:19:37) [查看全文] Men are like shoes. Some fit better than others. And sometimes you go out shopping and there's nothing you like. And then, as luck would have it, the next week you find two that are perfect, but you don't have the money to buy both. I was currently in just such a position… not with shoes, but with men. And this morning it got worse. (08/31/2007 08:19:26) [查看全文] but he found one last bottle of beer and some slices of American cheese. He ate the cheese and chugged the beer. "Are you still seeing that cop?"
"Joe Morelli. Yep." "What about the guy behind door number two?" "Ranger? Yeah, I'm still working with Ranger." Ranger was my bounty hunter mentor and more. Problem was, the mor (08/31/2007 08:19:26) [查看全文]
第二十二章 死圣 哈利气喘嘘嘘地倒在草地上,又立刻爬了起来。他们看起来像是来到了一个被黄昏的薄雾笼罩的荒野;赫敏挥舞着魔杖绕着他们跑来跑去。 “统统石化……萨维尔埃希亚……” “那个背信弃义的老骗子。”罗恩大口喘着气,从隐身斗篷下面钻了出来,把它扔给哈利。“赫敏,你是个天才,真是个天才。我都不敢相信我们居然能从那儿逃出来。” “洞窟兽……我没告诉过他那是一只弯鼾角吗?现在倒好,他的房子都爆炸了!” “活该!”罗恩一边说一边检查着他那已经破烂不堪的牛仔裤和腿上的伤口,“你觉得他们会怎么对待他?” (08/07/2007 09:10:14) [查看全文]
Harry fell, panting, onto grass and scrambled up at once. They seemed to have landed in the corner of a field at dusk; Hermione was already running in a circle around them, waving her wand. "Protego Totalum…Salvio Hexia…" "That treacherous old (08/07/2007 09:10:11) [查看全文]
第二十一章 三兄弟的故事 哈利转过身来看着罗恩和赫敏。看来他们也都没有理解谢农费里厄斯说了些什么。 “死圣?” “是的,”谢农费里厄斯说,”你们以前从没听说过他们?我并不感到惊讶。几乎没有巫师相信它。在你哥哥的婚礼上,”他对着罗恩点点头,”那个无知的年轻人,就因为我带着那个著名黑巫师的标记而攻击我!这真是愚蠢的行为。至少在我的眼中,这些圣徒并不黑暗。这个标志只是用来标识自己的身份而已,以便在困难的时候相互能够有个照应。” 他加了几块方糖到他的戈迪根药剂里,喝了几口。 “对不起……”哈利说,”我还是不很明白……” (08/07/2007 09:10:09) [查看全文]
The Tale of the Three Brothers Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione. Neither of them seemed to have understood what Xenophilius had said either. "The Deathly Hallows?" "That\'s right," said Xenophilius (08/07/2007 09:10:07) [查看全文] |