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pass (n.) 通行证,传球动作 Joe has an extra pass for tomorrow's game. 乔有明天比赛的特别通行证。 (04/03/2007 08:24:35) [查看全文] into (n.,a.) 对…入迷 You need to get into your artwork to make it look beautiful. 你需要认真投入你的艺术作品好让它看来出色。 (04/03/2007 08:24:34) [查看全文] bet (v.,n.) 打赌;赌金 I placed a bet on the Cowboys to win this game. 我下了一注赌这场比赛牛仔队会赢。 (04/03/2007 08:24:34) [查看全文] installment (n.) 分期摊付的钱 I'm going to pay for this stereo in installments. 这台音响我要用分期付款来买. (04/03/2007 08:24:34) [查看全文] We should get together sometime. 我们应该找时间聚聚. A: It was nice meeting you, Tony. B: Yeah. We should get together sometime. A: 很高兴认识你,东尼. B: 是啊,我们应该找时间聚聚. A: We should get together sometime. B: Good idea. Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow? A: 我们应该找时间聚聚. B: 好主意,明天一起吃午饭,好吗? (04/03/2007 08:24:33) [查看全文] Don't worry. 别担心。 A:I think you are going to be late for school! B:Don't worry. I still have a lot of time. A:我看你上学快 (04/03/2007 08:24:32) [查看全文] weird (a.) 怪异的 A: My boyfriend just said something really weird to me. 我男朋友刚刚跟我说了很奇怪的话。 B: Maybe you should ask him what he meant. 或许你该问他是什么意思。 (04/03/2007 08:24:32) [查看全文] No problem. 没关系。没问题。 A:Sorry, I am late for work. B:No problem. Please try to be on time tomorrow. A:抱歉,我上班迟到了。 B:没关 (04/03/2007 08:24:32) [查看全文] trend (n.) 潮流 A: Do you follow the latest fashion trends? 你会跟随最新的流行吗? B: They change too fast. I can't keep track of what's trendy. (04/02/2007 09:27:41) [查看全文] How about this? 这样做如何? A:How about this? If you do your homework now, you can watch the cartoon later. B:OK. (04/02/2007 09:27:41) [查看全文] |