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格林童话 (04/02/2007 15:48:09) [查看全文] 格林童话 (04/02/2007 15:47:17) [查看全文] 格林童话 (04/02/2007 15:34:46) [查看全文] 格林童话 傻小子学害怕 (04/02/2007 15:32:36) [查看全文] 格林童话 (04/02/2007 14:51:06) [查看全文] 格林童话 格林童话精选 (04/02/2007 14:33:10) [查看全文] A girl from Brakel once went to St. Anne's Chapel at the foot of the Hinnenberg, and as she wanted to have a husband, and thought there was no one else in the chapel, she sang,
"Oh, holy Saint Anne! Help me soon to a man. Thou know'st him right well, By Suttmer gate does he dwell, His hair it is golden, Thou know'st (03/27/2007 08:32:36) [查看全文] |