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一、听力、语音、词汇(30分) (音频略) A)Listening Section I.In this part you'll hear 5short dialogues.Listen to each dialogue carefully and then choose the best answer from A,B and C. 1.How will the woman go to New York? (04/29/2007 08:52:22) [查看全文] 【听力原文】 A)Listening Section I.In this part you'll hear 5short dialogues. Listen to each dialogue carefully and then choose the best answer from A,Band C. (Text 1) (04/29/2007 08:52:22) [查看全文] 根据下面短文大意,用所给动词的正确形式填空。 Dark black clouds in a dull sky meant one thing and one thing only:there 1 (be)a thunderstorm.None of us 2 (bring)an umbrella,or even a raincoat,so when Jack suggested we 3 (go)to a museum,we all agreed immed (04/28/2007 08:56:25) [查看全文] 根据下列句意和所给汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1.____ ____ ____ ____ (众所周知)China ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (与……发展了良好关系)most of the countries in the world. 2.____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (是多么奇怪)the boy ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____(能在火灾中逃生). 3.The problem is____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (该采取什么措施)prevent factories from pollut (04/28/2007 08:56:25) [查看全文] 把下列句子转换为间接引语或直接引语。
1.Jackson said,“Your handwriting is better than mine.” 2.The teacher said,“Light travels faster through air than it does through water.” 3.“Would you be so kind as to show me the way to the City Hall?”Smith said to me. 4.“Please look up the new words in your dictionary.”said (04/28/2007 08:56:24) [查看全文] A)用适当的介词或副词填空。 1.He won't agree ____ the plan,for it goes ____ his interest. 2.I was about to answer the phone when it rang ____ . 3.The Communists Manifesto closes ____ the words:“Working people of all countries,unite!” 4.Please be quiet—recording ____ progress. 5.—_ (04/28/2007 08:56:22) [查看全文] A)完形填空。 James sat outside the office waiting for the interview.He felt so 1 that he didn't know what to do with 2 .The person who had gone in 3 him had been in there for nearly an hour.And she looked so confident(自信的)when she went (04/28/2007 08:56:21) [查看全文] 1.She said,“Wish you good luck in the college entrance exam.” She said she ____ ____good luck in the college entrance exam. 2.The teacher said,“Light travels much faster than sound.” (04/28/2007 08:56:21) [查看全文] 在下列句子空白处填入适当的连接词(名词性从句)。 1.Bob was praised for__________he had achieved. 2.It's said__________hundreds of people died in the flood. 3.__________I should like to know is___ (04/28/2007 08:56:20) [查看全文] 13.__________one can succeed depends on__________hard he works. 14.__________manners are very important in every country is known to all but the trouble is__________different countries have different ideas about__________good manners are. (04/28/2007 08:56:20) [查看全文] 用适当的从属连词或词组填空。下列词汇供选用。 when,as,while,since,because,till,until,before,so that,in order that, though,although,whatever,if,unless,no matter,what,where 1.__________we were sti (04/28/2007 08:56:19) [查看全文] 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空。
1.This is one of the most interesting books__________were on show. 2.1)This is the room__________his father lives in. 2)This is the room__________his father lives. 3)This is th (04/28/2007 08:56:19) [查看全文] |