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Exercise 昨天,在回家的路上,你拾到一块手表。你的同学主张把它卖掉,你不同意,两人争了起来。晚上你们把表交给老师,其他同学众说纷云。请你以第一人称写出这事,可以适当扩展。词数80—120之间。 参考范文 Yesterd (04/29/2007 08:52:30) [查看全文] Exercise 请你起草一份湖南省广播电台每天的天气预报。天气预报必须说明以下几点: 1.天气预报节目。 2.湖南气象站早上六点发布未来48小时的天气预报。 3.内容:长沙市,晴,东南风,有阵雨。今天白天最高气温28度,明天早晨最低气温17度。全省:晴转阴,南风二级,晚上有雨。今天 (04/29/2007 08:52:30) [查看全文] Exercise 先将下列每组词或短语联成句子,必要的地方可作一些增补。然后把七个句子编成一篇短文。 When /robert /be /boy /he /be /fond /chocolate /price /small bar /chocolate /those days /be / two pence /That price /stay /same /through out /Robert /chi (04/29/2007 08:52:29) [查看全文] Exercise 请你写一则“遗失启事”,提示与要求如下: 1.遗失的物品:录音机。 2.遗失的时间:3月5日。 3.遗失的地点:阅览室。 4.如有人拾到录音机,请还高三3班张华。 (04/29/2007 08:52:29) [查看全文] Exercise 请你根据下列提示,写一份“失物招领”。(词数20—30之间) 1.以某商店的名义写启事。 2.拾得皮包一个,内有人民币若干元。 3.请失主前来认领。 4.领取地点:经理室。 (04/29/2007 08:52:28) [查看全文] 选择填空,完成对话。 A:__________ (1) B: Where are you going? Abroad? A:No.Iplan to see some places in the west of the country,like San (04/29/2007 08:52:28) [查看全文] 1.-I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. -Is that__________you had a few days off. A.why B.when C.what D.where(NMET99) 2.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of__________hadn't been cleaned fo (04/29/2007 08:52:26) [查看全文] 7.Alice received an invitation from her boss,__________came as a surprise. A.it B.that C.which D.he(MET91) 8.The weather turned out to be very good,__________was more than we could expect. A.what B.which C.that D (04/29/2007 08:52:26) [查看全文] 翻译下列状语从句或定语从句,每空限填一词。
1.________________________________________(当水变成固体时),we call it ice. 2.He gave good practical advice____________________(问到时). 3.I was taking a walk_______________________________________(这时我碰见一位老朋友). (04/29/2007 08:52:25) [查看全文] 16.I have worked here___________________________________(自从我大学毕业以来).
17.I lived in that city________________________________________(一直到我15岁). 18.People don't know the value of health________________________________________ (直到他们失去了健康). 19.We (04/29/2007 08:52:25) [查看全文] 单项填空。
1.This depends on__________the weather will be fine. A.if B.whether C.that D.how 2.__________John will go to attend the meeting remains a question. A.Whether B.If C.As D.What (04/29/2007 08:52:24) [查看全文] 单项填空。 11.Although she was listening,she didn't hear__________because there was so much noise. A.what did he say B.what was he saying (04/29/2007 08:52:24) [查看全文] 单项填空。 21.-Lucy took a job working nights. -__________it is a mystery to me. A.Why she did do B.Why she did C.Why did she D.Why did she do 22.-Is Fred going to fix our TV for (04/29/2007 08:52:24) [查看全文] 单项填空。 31.__________is where he gets all his money from. A.What I can't understand it B.That I can't understand C.What I can't understand D.Which I can't understand it 32.Did the fact__________she was c (04/29/2007 08:52:23) [查看全文] 单项填空。 41.We all know the fact__________the first country to make paper was China. A.that B.which C.as D.what 42.You may depend upon__________the project will be completed in time. A.it that B.in that C. (04/29/2007 08:52:23) [查看全文] |