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Unencrypted messages can be hijacked in transit and read or altered.If the mail is not digitally signed,you can't be sure where it came from.
未加密的信息可能在传输中被截获、偷看或窜改。如果邮件不是数字签名的,你就不能肯定邮件是从哪里来的。 There are many options for securing e-mail,all with a few strengths and probably more weaknesses. 确保电子邮件的安全有多种选择,它们都有些 (07/18/2006 09:39:03) [查看全文] Sugar-It Could Age You
吃糖一向被视为肥胖者的大忌,除此以外,一般读者可能还知道吃糖与蛀牙、与某些心血管疾病的关系。可你是否想到过吃糖与人的衰老也有关系呢?本文则报道了这方面的最新研究成果,读后令人大长见识。 Rats that eat high levels of a natural sugar known as fructose seem to age faster than other rats--and the same could be true for people who eat too much sweet junk food, Israeli researchers said Mon (07/18/2006 09:38:59) [查看全文] NASDAQ, acronym for the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system, is one of the largest markets in the world for the trading of stocks. The number of companies listed on NASDAQ is more than that on any of the other stock exchanges in the United States, including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the American S (07/18/2006 09:38:55) [查看全文] I had just returned from an income tax audit with the Internal Revenue Service, which everyone agrees is as pleasant as a bad session in the dentist's chair. The audit had gone well, but I was relieved it was over. To celebrate I bought an ice cream cone and sat in my car to read a letter from my eldest daughter Linda, a college freshman. "Dea (07/18/2006 09:38:45) [查看全文] Russian journalist Oleg Blotsky holds his book entitled "Vladimir Putin: Life Story" during a news conference in Moscow, January 21, 2002.
He is fearless, altruistic, steel-willed, hospitable, unbelievably hardy, unpretentious and warm -- and he has lost none of these qualities since becoming Russia's president. It is a s (07/18/2006 09:38:43) [查看全文] Slight unpremeditated Words are borne
By every common Wind into the Air; Carelessly utter'd, die as soon as born, And in one instant give both Hope and Fear: Breathing all Contraries with the same Wind According to the Caprice of the Mind. But Billetdoux are constant Witnesses, (07/18/2006 09:38:42) [查看全文] "Happy Birthday to You" Where did that song come from?
The story of how the song "Happy Birthday to You" came to be, began as a sweet one, that later soured. Two sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at the Louisville, Kentucky Experimental Kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the c (07/18/2006 09:38:32) [查看全文] What can Internet do for us? Internet has four main applications as follows:
l. E-mail. With Internet, people can compose, send, and receive electronic mails. Many people get dozens of messages a day and consider it as their primary way of interacting with the outside world, far outdistancing the telephone and snail mail. 2. (07/18/2006 09:38:30) [查看全文] What Does the Multimedia Actually Mean?
Literally, multimedia means TWO or more media. If the publisher of this book Wanted to join the Current hype about multimedia, he could advertise the book as using multimedia technology. After all, it contains two media:text and graphics(the figures). Nevertheless, when most pepole refer to multi (07/18/2006 09:38:29) [查看全文] SEVEN SKILLS FOR QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES IN 21ST CENTURY
21世纪合格人才必备7大技能 Technical and technological skills will take on greater importance. There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems--from computer systems to product distribution systems to plumbing systems. Visionary skills will be in (07/18/2006 09:38:27) [查看全文] Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University. Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the two-year study showed. And it wasn't that people who were already f (07/18/2006 09:38:25) [查看全文] Using the five sources of your power at work
Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage. 1.Personal power is all about your charisma, your passion to achieve the strength of your convictions, your ability to communicate and inspire, and your leader (07/18/2006 09:38:20) [查看全文] The Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that communicate with each other.
The Internet is an international collection of computer networks` that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands, connected together through backbone systems. It was started in 1969, when the U.S. Department of D (07/18/2006 09:38:18) [查看全文] There are two categories of networks: local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). Here I'd like to mainly talk about LAN.
A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college ca (07/18/2006 09:38:13) [查看全文] |