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作者欧里庇得斯是希腊三大悲剧诗人之一。 作品的背景是在科林德斯,在这异乡之地,育有二个孩子的母亲梅狄儿,正面临被即将与当地贵族少女结婚的丈夫抛弃的悲惨命运。她的故乡原来在黑海东岸的科吉斯,由于遇见为了寻找金羊而跟随希腊英雄出国的亚森,结果成为他爱情的俘虏,且不惜背叛父亲而与亚森私奔。他们历经困难回到亚森的国家,但是却找不到住处,只好来到科林德斯定居。在此他们度过一段平静的生活,然而目前他们之间的爱情却已濒致毁灭的边缘。梅狄儿觉得得自己受到严重的伤害与背叛,不禁泛起报复之心,于是她就先去拜访昔日 (10/23/2006 06:19:34) [查看全文]
作者贝纳德·圣比艾尔,法国作家。 《保罗与薇吉妮》的故事出自一位法国老人的口中。 失去丈夫的拉德尔夫人和来自布达纽的寡妇玛格莉特,在孤岛上相依为命,同时肩负着抚养儿女保罗与薇吉妮的天职。而后,随她俩前来的二位黑人仆从,也自然而然地结为夫妻,由这六人所构成的小社会,因毫不受文明的污染,而在大自然的熏陶下平静地度日。虽然生活中朴实无华,却充满了幸福。大家共享有着岛上的一切,因此在保罗与薇吉妮的心目中,根本不知何谓偷窃。同时,很明显地薇吉妮将成为保罗的妻子 (10/23/2006 06:19:33) [查看全文]
Braveheart Script
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert the Bruce (narrator): I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes. The king of Scotland had die (10/16/2006 09:16:58) [查看全文]
screen.width-133)this.width=screen.width-133"> (10/10/2006 06:28:01) [查看全文]
President dismisses strains with neighbor to north Wednesday, December 1, 2004 Posted: 7:13 AM EST (1213 GMT) A Canadian mounted police officer looks on as President Bush speaks Tuesday in Gatineau, Queb (10/10/2006 06:28:01) [查看全文]
Hong Kong restaurant trade thrives Tuesday, November 30, 2004 Posted: 1335 GMT (2135 HKT) Hong Kong boasts more than 10,000 restaurants, while London, which is a bigger city, only has 7,000. Getting a (10/10/2006 06:28:00) [查看全文]
A NEW report says that young people in South Korea change their mobile phones (手机) every 16 months. Most of them buy new phones because there are new styles (样式). A Korean student spends about 4,300 won (307 yuan) makin (10/10/2006 06:28:00) [查看全文]
The final carve-up of Yukos has begun, but it hasn''t stopped the deal-making frenzy in Russia By PETER GUMBEL Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004 On the last wednesday of September, Russia''s second (10/10/2006 06:28:00) [查看全文]
这个美丽的故事流传在美洲印第安土著中已近200年了,一朵荒漠中的小花,不是为了自己的艳丽,而执着于点缀这个世界的一角…… This happened many many summers ago. There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking...It was growing by itself... (10/10/2006 06:27:59) [查看全文]
Water Pot A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a fu (10/10/2006 06:27:59) [查看全文]
蝶吻(Butterfly Kisses) My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning. "You''re beautiful today." 我的新婚丈夫每天早晨都对我说出同样的话。“你今天真美。” One glance in the mirror revealed that it was far from the (10/10/2006 06:27:57) [查看全文]
ONTARIO, Calif. — A Christian school expelled a 14-year-old student because her parents are lesbians, the school''s superintendent said in a letter. Shay Clark was expelled from Ontario Christian School (10/09/2006 08:56:07) [查看全文] |