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CHAPTER XIII THE CATASTROPHE The rout behind the Guard was melancholy. The army yielded suddenly on all sides at once,--Hougomont, La Haie-Sainte, Papelotte, Plancenoit. The cry "Treachery!" was followed by a cry of "Save yourselves who can!" A (03/25/2008 06:25:26) [查看全文] CHAPTER XII THE GUARD Every one knows the rest,--the irruption of a third army; the battle broken to pieces; eighty-six months of fire thundering simultaneously; Pirch the first coming up with Bulow; Zieten's cavalry led by Blucher in person, the French driven back; Marcognet swept from the (03/25/2008 06:25:25) [查看全文] CHAPTER XI A BAD GUIDE TO NAPOLEON; A GOOD GUIDE TO BULOW The painful surprise of Napoleon is well known. Grouchy hoped for, Blucher arriving. Death instead of life. Fate has these turns; the throne of the world was expected; it was Saint Helena that was seen. (03/25/2008 06:25:23) [查看全文] CHAPTER X THE PLATEAU OF MONT-SAINT-JEAN The battery was unmasked at the same moment with the ravine. Sixty cannons and the thirteen squares darted lightning point-blank on the cuirassiers. The intrepid General Delort made the military salute to the English batter (03/25/2008 06:25:22) [查看全文] CHAPTER IX THE UNEXPECTED There were three thousand five hundred of them. They formed a front a quarter of a league in extent. They were giant men, on colossal horses. There were six and twenty squadrons of them; and they had behind them to support them Lefebvre-Desnouettes's division,--the (03/25/2008 06:25:20) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII NAPOLEON IN A GOOD HUMOR The Emperor, though ill and discommoded on horseback by a local trouble, had never been in a better humor than on that day. His impenetrability had been smiling ever since the morning. On the 18th of June, that profound soul masked by marble beamed blind (03/25/2008 06:25:19) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON Towards four o'clock the condition of the English army was serious. The Prince of Orange was in command of the centre, Hill of the right wing, Picton of the left wing. The Prince of Orange, desperate and intrepid, shouted to the Hollando-Belgians: (03/25/2008 06:25:17) [查看全文] CHAPTER V THE QUID OBSCURUM OF BATTLES Every one is acquainted with the first phase of this battle; a beginning which was troubled, uncertain, hesitating, menacing to both armies, but still more so for the English than for the French. It had rained all night, the (03/25/2008 06:25:16) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV A Those persons who wish to gain a clear idea of the battle of Waterloo have only to place, mentally, on the ground, a capital A. The left limb of the A is the road to Nivelles, the right limb is the road to Genappe, the tie of the A is the hollow road to Ohain from Braine-l'Alle (03/25/2008 06:25:15) [查看全文] CHAPTER III THE EIGHTEENTH OF JUNE, 1815 Let us turn back,--that is one of the story-teller's rights,-- and put ourselves once more in the year 1815, and even a little earlier than the epoch when the action narrated in the first part of this book took place. If it (03/25/2008 06:25:13) [查看全文] CHAPTER II HOUGOMONT Hougomont,--this was a funereal spot, the beginning of the obstacle, the first resistance, which that great wood-cutter of Europe, called Napoleon, encountered at Waterloo, the first knot under the blows of his axe. It was a chateau; it is no (03/25/2008 06:25:12) [查看全文] Volume II Cosette BOOK FIRST.--WATERLOO CHAPTER I WHAT IS MET WITH ON THE WAY FROM NIVELLES Last year (1861), on a beautiful May morning, a traveller, the person who is telling this story, was coming from Nivelles, and directing his co (03/25/2008 06:25:10) [查看全文] 负责饥民救助的联合国世界粮食计划署(UN's World Food Programme)正草拟定量配给食品的救援计划,以应对农产品价格不断攀升的状况。 The UN’s agency responsible for relieving hunger is drawing up plans to ration food aid in response to the spiralling cost of agricultural commodities. 世界粮食计划署正进行紧急会谈,以便决定如果短期内没有新的捐助,应暂停哪种救助。 The World Food Programme is holding crisis talks to decide wh (03/25/2008 06:25:04) [查看全文] 未来数周中国各家银行将发布2007年创纪录的利润,这与其外国同行形成鲜明的对比——在信贷危机之后,外国银行被迫进行了大笔减记。 Chinese banks will announce record profits for 2007 in coming weeks in contrast with their global counterparts, which have been forced into large write-offs in the wake of the credit crisis. 不过,随着全球经济放缓的影响蔓延至中国,以及中国政府试图为经济降温并遏制通胀的不断上升,2008年的挑战将大得多。 But 2008 will be (03/25/2008 06:25:03) [查看全文] 看越狱,学英文 其实我老早就有这个想法了,大家看越狱的时候,应该可以不只是看它的剧情,感动于它的精彩,顺手其实还可以学一下老外日常生活中的经典表达,地道的习惯用法,对学生朋友们提高口语表达能力应该很有帮助(专业习惯,看什么都想往英语学习上想)。 所以发这么一个帖子,望版主千万别删。如果之前有过类似的帖子,应该是英雄所见略同,或实属巧合,我拾人牙慧,决无踢馆之嫌。 发这帖子纯属交流,决无卖弄,望高手看了表见笑,各位有所心得一起跟上来,大家一起学习,共同进步,如有解释不妥之处,望高手不吝赐教。 我先来一贴,抛砖引玉,从最近的217开始 1、I will be there! 一开始,前情提要中,Sucr (03/25/2008 06:25:03) [查看全文] |