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On the surface, Chinatown is prosperous – a "model slum," some have called it – with the lowest crime rate, highest employment and least juvenile delinquency of any city district. Walk through its crowded streets at an (03/28/2007 10:31:00) [查看全文]
Theoretical basis of Qigong The human body is a complicated system. Gases form, food is digested, Qi and blood circulate, saliva secretes, waste material is discharged, the PH changes, and spiritual activity influences metabolisms, all happening (03/26/2007 06:38:12) [查看全文]
If your visions of Beijing are centred around pods of Maoist revolutionaries in buttoned-down tunics performing t'ai chi in the Square, put them to rest: this city has embarked on a (03/21/2007 09:33:28) [查看全文] |