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An ant was drinking at a river. Suddenly he slipped, and fell into the water.
A dove took pity on him. She threw a small branch into the river. The ant seized the bough, and swam back to the shore. A few days later, the ant saw a hunter aiming a gun at the dove. He bit the man in the foot sharply. The man missed the sho (03/04/2007 10:29:37) [查看全文] Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes. They filled his spare bedrooms and upstairs corridors of the palace.
The courtiers were worried that the wardrobes would begin to appear downst (01/18/2007 08:35:28) [查看全文] An ass once found a lion's skin. He put it on, and walked towards the village.
All fled when he came near,both men and animals. The ass felt quite proud. He lifted his voice and brayed, but then everyone knew him. His owner came up and gave him a sound whipping. Shortly afterwards,a fox came up to him and (01/17/2007 10:13:01) [查看全文] There was once an artist whose name was Wen Tong. He was famous for his bamboo drawings. A lot of people asked him for one of his bamboo drawings.
People wondered why Wen Tong could draw so well. Actually, Wen Tong loved bamboo so much he had grown various bamboo around his house. No matter what season it was an (12/31/2006 08:23:48) [查看全文] (12/30/2006 08:42:00) [查看全文] This is an interesting story from the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in ancient China, when the Wei and Wu kingdoms joined together to fight against the Wei Kingdom. Zhou Yu, the chief military commander of the Wu Kingdom, ordered Zhu Ge Liang (the chief minister of the Shu Kingdom and generally regarded as the kingdom's top master (12/27/2006 15:08:55) [查看全文] |