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Once upon a time there were seven brothers, who were orphans, and had no sister. Therefore they were obliged to do all their own housework. This they did not like at all; so after much deliberation they decided to get married. There were, unfortunately, no young girls to be found in the place where they lived; but the elder brothers ag (04/21/2007 12:47:18) [查看全文] Sicilianische Malirchen. L. Gonzenbach.
Long ago there lived two brothers, both of them very handsome, and both so very poor that they seldom had anything to eat but the fish which they caught. One day they had been out in their boat since sunrise without a single bite, and were just thinking of putting up their lines and going home to bed w (04/21/2007 12:44:53) [查看全文] 英文:What Do Animals Eat?
The rat smells the cheese on the table. He will eat it in his hole. The dog buries the bone in the yard. He will eat it later. The bird pulls the worm from the soil. She will feed it to her babies. The rabbit pulls the carrot from the ground. He will share it with his friend. The squirrel stores the nu (04/10/2007 08:56:52) [查看全文] 英文:Do You See What It Is?
The dog has a problem. Do you see what it is? The dog needs a bowl for his cereal. The bear has a problem. Do you see what it is? The bear needs a honey pot for his honey. The monkey has a problem. Do you see what it is? The monkey needs a trash can for his banana peels. (04/10/2007 08:55:40) [查看全文] HOST: Do you like space? You know… galaxies, solar systems, constellations, comets? Well, Corey does. In fact, he has a new telescope. And he's really excited about studying space. Right now, he's showing his new telescope to Jenna. Let's watch.
COREY: Isn't it cool? JENNA: Yeah. I guess so. COREY: You gue (04/10/2007 08:51:18) [查看全文] 英文:What Can a Cat Do?
Can a cat eat carrots? Yes, she can. A cat can eat carrots. Can a cat play cards? No, she can't. A cat cannot play cards. Can a cat sit on a cushion? Yes, she can. A cat can sit on a cushion. Can a cat drive a car? No, she can't. A cat cannot drive a car. Can a cat (04/09/2007 06:39:23) [查看全文] |