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: Hello. 哈. : Hi, Bill. 嗨! 比尔. : Oh, no. But it''s Saturday night! 噢, 不, 今天是末晚上! : Yes, I know. But we never see each other these days. The children never see you, either. 是的, 我知道, 但这几天我们彼此都没见面, 孩子也没见过你. : And what about dinner? (08/28/2006 06:28:27) [查看全文] give me a hand foot the bill blow out lock, stock and barrel hook, line and sinker 每一种语言都有它独特的成语和俗语。而学习外语的人经常在理解这些习惯用语时会感到很困难。这是因为你不可能从组成某个习惯用语的字面上来懂得它的意思。 比如,美国人经常说:“Give me a hand.” 按照字面来理解, “give me hand”就是“给我一只手。”可是,它的意思却 (08/27/2006 00:25:42) [查看全文] debt (n.) 债务 例句: Do not borrow money unless you want to be in debt. 除非你想负债,否则不要随便向人借钱。 cut a figure 出风头、露头角 例句: Mr. Rolls cut a brilliant figure when he opened the ball with the Duchess on his arm. 罗尔斯先生挽着公爵夫人开始跳舞时就引人注目。 He cut a poor figure on a public occasion. 他在大庭广众中出了 (07/30/2006 00:01:44) [查看全文] |