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Google Shares Mapping Technology

[日期:2005-06-30]   [字体: ]

By GREG SANDOVAL, AP Technology Writer

SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc. is throwing the doors open on the technology used to power the search engine's mapping service, allowing developers to create Web sites and software applications that merge Google's mapping information with data elsewhere.

The decision comes as a growing number of programmers are hacking into Google's mapping technology to graphically illustrate vital information that might otherwise be ignored or not perceived as clearly. Until Wednesday, these hackers were officially violating Google's service aGREement.

Web sites built by these hackers include Chicagocrime.org, which overlays Chicago Police Department crime statistics on a Google map. The site enables house-hunters to pinpoint specific crimes in any of the city's districts.

Housingmaps.com melds the technologies of Craigslist and Google to spot available housing in 29 U.S. cities. At Dynamite.co.uk/local, commuters in the United Kingdom can see country's traffic conditions.

All the maps feature pushpin symbols that reveal text information when a user clicks on one.

Google is offering the technology free to any Web site that uses it to make applications that are distributed free of charge. Yahoo also plans to make similar information available about its mapping service, though details have yet to be announced.

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