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$1M a year in Google Adsense

[日期:2005-08-02]   [字体: ]

(or why 2,739 is my favorite number)

If back in September when we started playing with google adsense someone told me it would turn into a $1M a year business I would have laughed. A million bucks without a sales person? Give me a break!

However, yesterday we broke our $2,100 record with a $2,335 day. That’s an impressive number I know, because if we can take that number to $2,739.72 we’re at—wait for it—$1M a year.

For some perspective, take a look at some averages:

January we did $580 a day on average.
March was a $737 a day average.
May was a $1,585.57 average.

Now, before you get too excited let me tell you we’ve got 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers here at Weblogs, Inc. We’re a big, little company… so to speak. Plus I gotta pay for Peter Rojas’ gadget habit (let’s just say it ain’t pretty)!

However, if you follow those numbers we tripled the average in five months or so. Not sure we can triple every five months, but I think we can get this to a $3,000 to $5,000 per day average by the end of the year.

Another thing to keep in mind is that we can’t run google adsense in top positions on a lot of our blogs because they are sold out (Engadget, Autoblog, etc. are sold out up top). If we had those slots open we would be at much more per day right now.

The publishing world has totally changed, and as much as I like to think I’m up on things every day I figure out something new about this business. It’s crazy.

One more tip: the Google horizontal banners work well. You know, the ones where a user clicks and sees a group of ads and then you get paid if they make a *second* click (the first click to Google gets you nothing!). Even with this double-click issue it performs really well (I don’t think I can say how much better then a leaderboard without getting in trouble with the google adsense Terms of Service, but lets just say it’s significant). I think this is because the users who click on those ads are rabid—they want a ton of information and they probably visit more then one advertiser’s site.

Anyone else got google adsense tips? If so put them in the comments below for EVERYONE to share and benifit from.

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