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英汉对照统计学词汇 S

[日期:2006-07-10]   [字体: ]

Sample, 样本

Sample  reGREssion coefficient, 样本回归系数

Sample size, 样本量

Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差

Sampling error, 抽样误差

SAS(Statistical analysis system ), SAS统计软件包

Scale, 尺度/量表

Scatter diagram, 散点图

Schematic plot, 示意图/简图

Score test, 计分检验

Screening, 筛检

SEASON, 季节分析

Second derivative, 二阶导数

Second principal component, 第二主成分

SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型

Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图

Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸

Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线

Sequential analysis, 贯序分析

Sequential data set, 顺序数据集

Sequential design, 贯序设计

Sequential method, 贯序法

Sequential test, 贯序检验法

Serial tests, 系列试验

Short-cut method, 简捷法

Sigmoid curve, S形曲线

Sign function, 正负号函数

Sign test, 符号检验

Signed rank, 符号秩

Significance test, 显著性检验

Significant figure, 有效数字

Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样

Simple correlation, 简单相关

Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样

Simple reGREssion, 简单回归

simple table, 简单表

Sine estimator, 正弦估计量

Single-valued estimate, 单值估计

Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵

Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布

Skewness, 偏度

Slash distribution, 斜线分布

Slope, 斜率

Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验

Source of variation, 变异来源

Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关

Specific factor, 特殊因子

Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差

Spectra , 频谱

Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布

Spread, 展布

SPSS(Statistical package for the social science), SPSS统计软件包

Spurious correlation, 假性相关

Square root transformation, 平方根变换

Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差

Standard deviation, 标准差

Standard error, 标准误

Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误

Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差

Standard error of rate, 率的标准误

Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布

Standardization, 标准化

Starting value, 起始值

Statistic, 统计量

Statistical control, 统计控制

Statistical graph, 统计图

Statistical inference, 统计推断

Statistical table, 统计表

Steepest descent, 最速下降法

Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图

Step factor, 步长因子

Stepwise reGREssion, 逐步回归

Storage, 存

Strata, 层(复数)

Stratified sampling, 分层抽样

Stratified sampling, 分层抽样

Strength, 强度

Stringency, 严密性

Structural relationship, 结构关系

Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差

Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量

Subdividing, 分割

Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量

Sum of products, 积和

Sum of squares, 离差平方和

Sum of squares about reGREssion, 回归平方和

Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和

Sum of squares of partial reGREssion, 偏回归平方和

Sure event, 必然事件

Survey, 调查

Survival, 生存分析

Survival rate, 生存率

Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图

Symmetry, 对称

Systematic error, 系统误差

Systematic sampling, 系统抽样

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