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[日期:2006-07-24]   [字体: ]

China has promised to release the crewmembers of the damaged United States military plane. China has held the 24 crewmembers on Hainan Island since April 1st. President Bush says the incident was a difficult one for both the United States and China. He said he looks forward to welcoming home the crew. In Beijing American Ambassador to China Joseph Prueher said the aGREement was the product of intense diplomatic efforts on both sides. In the letter the United States expressed regrets over the loss of the Chinese pilot whose plane crashed with the American military plane. The government also said it is sorry the spy plane entered the Chinese air space without permission. That happened that the American plane made an emergency landing. American official say a passenger plane has left the Pacific territory of Guam and is flying to Hainan to pick up the crew and bring them to Guam. The crew will then fly to Hawaii on a military plane. European and Asian countries have welcome the news that china has agreed to release the crew of the American plane. Reports say Russia's foreign ministry has said it is pleased that the dispute between the United States and China has ended. British and German officials has similar reactions to the news.

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