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[日期:2006-09-02]   [字体: ]
      J: Hello I''m Jody! Welcome to American Cafe!

Y: 我是杨晨。欢迎到美语咖啡屋!

J: And here we are in the GREat outdoors for yet another episode of American Cafe. (Deep inhale) Ah! Just smell that fresh clean air! Isn''t this great, Yang Chen!!

Y: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 你说的没错。一起都很好。 (Slap) 又一个蚊子。

J: Good. I''m glad you''re having fun too. I''m having a ball! I just love camping. Mmm, feel that campfire.

Y: 我就不明白。你为什么怎么喜欢到野外来呢?

J: Because you feel free. Look around. There''s nothing but nature. No cars, no traffic, no people bothering you.

Y: 算了,算了。我不跟你说了。那我们下面该干什么?

J: Well, we already built a fire. That was really fun! And we cooked a little dinner. Hot dogs and baked beans, mmm ... a real traditional campfire dinner.

Y: 我肚子倒是饿了,不过你看热狗也烤糊了, baked beans又是冷的。凑合地吃吧。

J: Well, here - have some nuts.

Y: Mmm, 有花生,还有开心果。 Mmm, 这还不错。

J: Mmm ... 不错。 Now, one thing to do when you''re camping for fun is to tell stories around the campfire. Let''s invite our friend Marty to share a story of his favorite bonfire during a trip he took to Canada.

Marty: Well, we went up ... we went up to Canada and we went to this humongous national park. It''s on this lakes (The GREat Lakes) So you canoe, you canoe between the lakes.

Y: 他刚才说的canoe就是独木舟的意思。Humongous这个词很有意思。我想 humongous是巨大的意思把。

J: Exactly. Humongous. H-U-M-O-N-G-O-U-S. Marty uses it quite a lot.

Marty: And when you''re out three days the only way to get back in is to canoe three days back in or get a helicopter, obviously a helicopter could pick you up. But otherwise there''s no walking out. It''s all ... it''s all water and everything. There''s no, you know, driving or anything like that. The only way out is to canoe yourself outta (out of) there.

Y: 哇整整三天都在划独木舟啊?

J: Exactly.

Y: They are crazy.

J: That sounds crazy to me. And Marty said the only way out is three days by canoe again or a helicopter.

Y: 要不你就再划独木舟划化三天时间划回去,或者让直升机来接他们,只有这两种方法。

J: Exactly.

Y: 他们是在什么地方? 听上去到蛮好玩儿的。

J: Marty said he was up in Canada by the GREat Lakes.

Y: The GREat Lakes就是五大湖区的意思,就是美国和加拿大之间的五大湖。

Marty: And we were on the edge of this humongous lake, huge lake. And ah, the driftwood came up and we pulling up humongous pieces of, you know, trees.

Y: 他们是在大湖的边缘,他们沿路还捡了很多顺流漂来的木头。那么他们捡起这些木头往哪儿放?

J: Well, let''s find out. I can''t wait to hear how they got the trees out of the lake. Let''s hear from Marty again.

Y: 没错。我也想听听他们怎么办把那些树运回去。

Marty: A big friend of mine who''s like a big strong guy, well, we had like four of us and we were pulling in some monster trees.

J: Oh, Marty has a couple big, strong friends. Oh, Marty said something funny that is a good expression in English. He said "we were pulling in some monster trees." Yang Chen, how do you translate that.

Y: I know. "Monster trees" 也是很大的树, 是吗?

J: 对了。

Y: 这个不好翻。

J: I think the English is the best to explain it.

Y: 没错,没错

J: "Pulling in some monster trees" - just really humongous, big trees. And the result ...

Marty: And ah, yeah, it was just an awesome bonfire. That''s probably the best bonfire ... we burned some trees that were probably a couple hundred years old, you know.

J: So, Yang Chen, what did you think of Marty''s story?

Y: Awesome! 我好象觉得自己好象身临其境!他讲的很精彩啊。

J: I felt the same way. I felt like I was right by the lake.

Y: 没错。其实我是一个不太喜欢野外活动的人,可是听他一讲觉得非常刺激!好,各位听众我们下次节目再见!

J: See you next time on American Cafe.


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  这属于英汉对话吗?有英语,有汉语!   ( 快乐从心起航 , 07/13/2007 18:23:18 )

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