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[日期:2006-11-01]   [字体: ]

  Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

  A Hello, Neil. How are you?

  A 你好,尼尔?你好吗?

  B Fine thanks, Lin. And you?

  B 我很好,谢谢, 林。你呢?

  A I'm fine. Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

  A 我很好。今晚你愿意和我共进晚餐吗?

  B That would be very nice. Thank you.

  B 那太好了。谢谢你。

  A Good. We can try Beijing Duck. It's the most famous dish in Beijing.

  A 好。我们可以尝尝北京烤鸭。这是北京最著名的菜肴。

  B GREat. I'd love to taste it.

  B 好极了,我愿意品尝。

  A We'll go to Quan Ju De. It's one of the oldest and best Beijing Duck restaurants in Beijing.

  A 我们将去全聚德。这是北京最好、最古老的烤鸭店之一。

  Notes  注释

  1 To invite someone to go somewhere or to do something, you can begin your sentence by saying: Would you like to . . . ? / Would you like to . . . ? e.g.: Would you like to come to dinner tonight? / Would you like to come to dinner tonight?; Would you like to go shopping ? / Would you like to go shopping?; Would you like to see the football match? / Would you like to see the football match?

  要邀请某人去某处或者做某事,你可以这样开头:Would you like to . . . ? / 你愿意 . . . 吗? 例如: Would you like to come to dinner tonight? / 今晚你愿意和我共进晚餐吗?; Would you like to go shopping? / 你愿意去购物吗?; Would you like to see the football match? /你愿意去看足球比赛吗?

  2 If you want to talk about possibly doing something, you can use: We can . . . / We can . . . or We could . . . / We could . . . e.g.: We can try Beijing Duck / We can try Beijing Duck.

  如果你想谈论可能做某事,你可以用:We can . . . / 我们可以 . . . 或者 We could . . . / 我们能 . . . 例如: We can try Beijing Duck /我们可以尝尝北京烤鸭。

  3 You can describe something using the superlative form of the simple adjective, e.g. It's the oldest / It's the oldest; It's the best / It's the best; It's the biggest / It's the biggest.

  你可以用形容词的最高级来描述某事,例如It's the oldest / 它是最古老的; It's the best / 它是最好的; It's the biggest / 它是最大的。

  Key phrases and sentences

  Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

  That would be very nice.

  We can try Beijing Duck.

  It's the most famous dish in Beijing.

  I'd love to taste it.

  We'll go to Quan Ju De.

  It's one of the oldest and best Beijing Duck restaurants in Beijing.

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