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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]



The Sea

  The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it.It can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.

  The sea is very big.It covers three quarters (3/4) of the earth.The sea is also very deep in some places.There is one place. The sea is about eleven kilometers deep there.The highest mountain in the world is no more than nine kilometers high.If the mountain was put into the sea at that place,there would be still two kilometers of water above it.

  In most parts of the sea,there are many fishes and plants(1).Some live near the top of the sea,others live deep down.There are also a lot of small living things.Lots of fishes live by(2) eating them.

  The sea can be very cold.When people go down,the water becomes colder and colder.Only some men can go down into the deep sea. But,in 1970,five women lived in the deep sea for fourteen days. They didn't come back to the land until they finished their research(3) work.


  (1)plant /pla:nt/ n.植物   (2)live by靠……生活 (3)research /ri`st/ n.研究

  1.How big is the land in the world?

  2.Why is it terrible when it is blowing strongly?

  3.Why would it be still two kilometers of water above the mountain if we put the highest mountain in the deepest place in the sea?

  4.What do the fishes eat in the sea?

  5.What did the five women do in the deep sea?


  1.在这篇文章中,并没有说陆地在地球上所占的比例。但文中却告诉我们海洋占了四分之三,那么陆地只占四分之一。因此,该题的答案是:It's only one quarter of the earth.

  2.我们知道,海上的风暴会使船只沉没,这当然是十分可怕的。故应回答:Because a strong wind makes the ships go down the water.

  3.该句是一个表示假设的句子。文中提到,世界上最高的山不到9千米高,而海洋最深处则距海平面有11千米。如果把最高的山放到那里,其山顶离海面还有两千米。其答案是:Because the highest mountain is no more than nine kilometers and the deepest place in the sea is eleven kilometers deep.

  4.从“Lots of fishes live by eating them.”可以看出,该题的答案是:They eat small things in the sea.

  5.文章最后一句已经告诉我们,她们在那里做研究工作。故应这样回答:They did research work there.

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