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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]



这里给同学们介绍一些自然景象名称 mountain,coral,earth,ocean构成的英语习惯用语,配上汉语对照,使你明白它们的含义、用法及有关知识。生动有趣的漫画更可加深你的印象,学习英语词语就变成了一件轻松愉快的事了。英汉对照,你还可以从中揣摩翻译技巧,只要你从阅读中找到乐趣,那就是最大的收获。

mountain  山

The highest mountain on earth is Mt. Qomolangma.All mountaineers consider it as the
GREatest prize in life to reach its peak.

If your father works in an office,he may occasionally have a mountain of paperwork to
do.If your family is a big one,your mother may have a mountain of house hold duties to do.

“To make a mountain out of a molehill” is to make an unimportant matter seem important.When a person gets very angry because of a small joke played on him,you can say he makes a
mountain out of a mole hill.




coral   珊瑚


Coral is a stone like mate rial formed in the sea by the bones of very small sea animals.Coral reefs are formed by the growth of coral,so are coral islands.Is the same true of coral trees?Not at all.“Coral tree”is the name of several tropical trees of shrubs which bear large,brightly coloured flowers.

Coral is known for its bright colours and various shapes.It is often used for making
decorations or jewelry.Has your mother a coral bracelet?

A coral bracelet is made of coral;a coral table cloth is not.It is a table cloth whose colour is pinkish-red,like that of coral.




earth   土地,地球


As a pupil or student,you certainly know the earth revolves on its axis and at the same time moves around the sun.

“On earth”means“in the world”.The Nile is the longest river on earth.“What on earth are you doing?”is equal to“What in the world are you doing?”But in this case the two phrases are both used only for emphasis.They are usually used after such words as“what”,“who”and“where”.

Some people have aims which are too high to achieve.They should come down to earth and be practical.


“在地球上”意思是“在世界上”。尼罗河是地球上最长的河流。“你究竟在做什么?”等于“你到底在做什么?”在这种情况下,两个短语都用于加强语气。它们通常都用在what、 who和whe re等词之后。


ocean  洋


There are three vast oceans in the world:The Pacific Ocean,the Atlantic Ocean and the
Indian ocean.There is a small fourth ocean—the Arctic Ocean.

Do you know anything about Oceania? It is a general name for the region of the central and south Pacific,including Australia and New Zealand.

Now look at these two idioms:“oceans of something”and“a drop in the ocean”. Study the following example and you can see how they can be used:“A project like the new airport in Hong Kong calls for oceans of money.For such a project the sum of a million dollars is only a drop in the ocean.”



请看看这两条成语:oceans of something(大量,许多)和a drop in the ocean(沧海之一滴,极少)。学学下面的例句你就会知道怎么使用它们:“像香港新机场这样的工程需要极其大量的钱。对这个项目来说,一百万元的金额也仅仅是沧海之一滴。”

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