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The Story of William Wallace①(高一)

[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]


        A young man had been out fishing in the river near his home. He caught several fish and put them in his basket to take back. As he walked home again, a group of men stopped him.

        “Hey, you. We'll have those fish,” they said.

        They were English soldiers. In those days, Scotland and England were two separate countries, but King Edward of England claimed that he was the overlord of Scotland. When King John of Scotland would not do what Edward wanted, Edward came to Scotland with an army and took John away to prison in London. Now Scotland was left with no king. Edward was the ruler, and he put his own governors in charge. English soldiers were placed throughout the country to watch over the people of Scotland. The Scots were angry, but most of them were also afraid. Anyone who annoyed the English would be put in prison, beaten or killed.

        “You can have some of my fish ,” said the young man.

        “We'll have it all, ” they said, and one of them tried to grab the basket.

        “Oh no, you won't!” The young man raised his fishing rod and struck the soldier's arm away. Then he drew his sword. At this the soldiers fled away, and he went on home with his basket of fish.

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