II.阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)
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Choose the best answers.
21.Jane collected(收集)her clothes _______ .
A.at home
B.on the line
C.at a dry cleaner's
D.in a clothes shop
22.Jane bought _______ at the chemist's(药店).
A.some medicine
B.a pair of sunglasses
C.some icecream
D.a new dress
23.She _______ after she got home.
A.packed her suitcase
B.collected some tickets
C.got some Spanish pesetas
D.went to the bank
24. _______ she went to catch a plane to Majorca by taxi.
A.In the morning
B.The day before yesterday
C.After an hour
D.Before supper
25.We know Jane went to _______ places in the passage on her busy day.
A.five B.seven C.six D.four
通过第一遍阅读,我们基本能了解短文大意,再结合下面的选择题我们了解到:(1)Jane收集衣服的地点;(2)在药店买了什么东西;(3)到家后做了什么;(4)什么时间去“catch a plane to Majorca”;(5)Jane一天中共去了几个地方。
短文中有7~8个生词(collect;chemist's;suncream;Spanish; pesetas;agent's;suitcase;Majorca),其中有两个生词在下面的试题中给了汉语注释。试题短文中的生词,基本有三种情况:(1)影响阅读理解且不便猜测词义的,加汉语注释;(2)影响阅读理解但能够猜测的,不加注释;(3)凡未加注释,也不便猜测的,肯定不会影响做题。本文中未加注释的几个生词,“suncream”根据构词法和下面的“sunglasses”我们基本能猜出是“防晒霜”的意思;“Spanish pesetas”根据上面的“bank”也不难猜出是一种货币的名称;“the travel agent's”根据下一句和关键词“where”,我们能猜出是个地点,而结合下文和“travel”一词,我们也能估计它可能是“旅行社”;“Majorca”肯定是个“地名”;至于“packed”后的“suitcase”,结合上下文,再考虑到“packed(打包;打行李)”的意思,还有图画中的“行李箱”,也就不难猜测了。
五个选择题中的前四个答案基本就是短文中的“原话”,21小题是C;22小题是B(注意千万不要看花眼,把icecream当成文中的 suncream);23小题是A;24小题中“C.After an hour”,与文中的“An hour later”虽然形式不同,但意思相同。最后一个小题问Jane一天中共去了几个地方,则需要认真清点一下,一共是六个地方,答案是C。
London has a population of about 7,000,000. From about 1800 until World War Two,London was the biggest city in the world,but now there are many cities which are much bigger.
London is famous for many things.Tourists come from all over the world to visit its famous buildings and hear the famous clock,Big Ben.
Like many big cities,London has problems with traffic and pollution.Over 1,000,000 people a day use the London underground,but there are still too many cars on the streets.The air isn't clean,but it is cleaner than it was 100years ago.
For me,the best things about London are the parks.There are five in the city centre.But my children's favourite place is Hamleys,the biggest toy shop in the world!
Choose the best answers.
26.What's the Chinese for“population”in this passage?
A.污染 B.人口 C.车辆 D.流行
27.When was London the biggest city in the world?
A.Over sixty years ago.
B.In 1950.
C.About 1800years ago.
D.In the 21st century.
28.What's Big Ben in London?
A.It's children's favourite toy shop.
B.It's the best park in the city centre.
C.It's a famous clock.
D.It's a nice museum.
29.How many people use the London underground every day?
B.More than 1,000,000.
30.How was the air in London one hundred years ago?
A.It was much cleaner.
B.It was the same.
C.It was the cleanest.
D.It was dirtier than it is now.
26、28小题是“词义理解”,要求根据上下文猜测和确定“population”,“Big Ben”两个词的确切含义,答案分别是B和C,但我们这里重点讨论另外三个与“数字”有关的小题。
27小题,When was London the biggest city in the world?四个选项中哪个与文中“From about 1800 until World War Two”相符呢?关键是“From”和“until”两个词,“From about 1800”意指“1800”是起始点,“unitl World War Two”“第二次世界大战”为终点。这两点搞清了,就能确定答案是A。因为C和D是明显错误;B是我国解放以后的时间,也不对。如果历史知识比较丰富,记得1945年日本投降是第二次世界大战结束的标志,选A则更容易。
29小题,是针对文中“Over 1,000,000 people a day use the London underground”一句而设计的,“a day”与“every day”这里意思相同;“Over 1,000,000”与“More than 1,000,000”意思相同,所以,答案是B。做题时应注意数字前词语的变化及它们之间的相互关系。
30小题,问题是“How was the air in London one hundred years ago?”答案显然要由文中“The air isn't clean,but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago.”这个句子来决定。句子是个比较级,是现在同“100years ago”相比,说明100年前“The air isn't clean.”,答案应该是D。做题时注意数字与其它词的联系。