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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]

I. 语音听力
A. Directions: You will hear 5 sentences. Listen carefully and choose one of the four choices which is closest in meaning to the sentence you hear.

1. I'm not feeling myself this morning. (D)
2. John is running out of the ink. (C)
3. Mary keeps up physical training every morning except when it rains. (B)
4. The boy has done a very good job  considering his age. (A)
5. We are only five minutes into the first lesson. (A)
B. Directions: You are going to hear a passage, and then choose the best answer from the four choices given below, basing your choices on the content of the passage you've heard.   
    Quite by chance Martha went into a coffee-bar one Saturday morning where she happened to meet an old friend of hers who was going to the races. His girlfriend was ill and he did not like going alone, so he asked Martha to come. She had never been to the races before.
    She decided to bet 10 shillings on a horse called "Dublin Boy" simply because she had once spent a very pleasant holiday in that city. However, when she got to the betting-window, all she had in her purse was a £10 note. She did not realize she could ask for change and hesitated. The man behind her shouted "Hurry up!" Martha became nervous and confused and bet the whole £10.
    The odds(赌注与付款的差额)on the horse were 100:1. At the last fence it was running second. The leading horse suddenly stumbled and fell, and "Dublin Boy" won. When Martha went to collect her £1,000, a television-reporter happened to hear what had happened before.
1. What's the relationship between Martha and the man? (C)
2. Why did she decide to bet some money on a horse called "Dublin Boy"? (C)
3. Why did she bet the whole £10? (B)
4. What can be said about "Dublin Boy"? (B)
5. How much did Martha get when she won her bet? (C)
II. 词汇用法 
  1. a GREat deal of 大量的. a little一点点的.小火也能酿成大灾.   
  2. affirmative n. 肯定.否定的否定是肯定./负负得正.
  3. at home 在家. 出门是圣人,在家成魔鬼./里一套, 外一套./表里不一.
  4. backward ad. 向后.青年展望未来,老年留恋过去.
  5. best 最好的. 最不喜欢的人常能给予最好的忠告.
  6. breakers 破坏者(这里指"犯法者").makers 制作者(这里指"立法者").立法者不应成为犯法者./立法应守法.
  7. broadest最宽阔.名誉如江河,源头最狭窄,远处最宽阔./荣誉就像一条河,源远流长.
  8. by day白天.夜晚做的事,白天人尽知./若要人不知,除非己莫为.
  9. cause n. 原因.effect结果.除去因就没有果.
  10. collective n. 集体.individual n. 个人.个人的聪明有限,集体的智慧无穷.
  11. coward's 懦夫的.勇士的神色胜过懦夫的刀剑.
  12. cruelty n. 残忍. 对罪犯的仁慈,就是对人民的残忍.
  13. dearest 最昂贵的.便宜无好货.
  14. deed n. 行为.言必行,行必果.
  15. defence n. 防御. 进攻是最有效的防御.
  16. dirty a. 脏的. fast(宗教上的)禁食、斋戒,breakfast开斋(=break one's fast).干净的斋戒胜过肮脏的开斋./宁为清贫,不为浊富.
  17. disadvantage n. 不利条件.advantage  n. 有利条件.有利必有弊.
  18. dividing 分裂. 团结则存,分裂则亡.
  19. forget v. 忘记.我有德于人不应记;人有德于我不可忘.
  20. fortune n. 幸运.misfortune n. 恶运.恶运临头后,才知幸运贵./不经灾难不知福.
  21. get out出来.fall into掉进. 掉进陷阱容易,跳出陷阱难./学坏容易学好难.
  22. glorious a. 光荣的. shameful a. 可耻的.宁可光荣死,也不忍辱生./宁为玉碎,不为瓦全.
  23. increase v. 增加. diminish v. (数量)变少, gathereth=gathered 空想难发财,劳动会致富.
  24. infinite a. 无穷的, hope n. 希望. 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的;但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的.
  25. injustice n. 不公正.极端公正,就是极端不公正./物极必反./过犹不及.
  26. life n. 人生.死得正直,一生光荣.又如:He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. 看破生死者始能成功./看破人生,大功必成. /The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb. 有活的狼就有死的羔羊.
  27. lose v. (比赛等的)负,输, lasting a. 永恒的. temporary a. 暂时的.胜负是暂时的,友谊是永恒的.
  28. truth n. 真理,真实.相信谎言的人必将在真实之中毁灭./听信谎言,失去真理.
  29. virtue n. 美德.罪恶往往披着道德的外衣.又如:The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice. 不作恶是走向美德的第一步./恶行止,善行始.
  30. without prep.无,没有.有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行. 又如: One penny with right is better than a thousand without right. 合法取得的一便士,胜过非法取得的一千便士./非法所得金如土,正当所获土如金.
III. 语法结构
A. 1. B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.D
B. 1. It is so popular a song in China that everyone can sing it.
   2. She is so good a student that everyone in the class respects her.
   3. English is just so interesting a subject as mathematics.
   4. Tea is not so popular a drink as coffee in America.
   5. It is too serious a matter for us to discuss lightly.
   6. How magnificent a building it is!
   7. John is as intelligent a student as Jack.
   8. It is too difficult an exercise for me to finish within an hour.
   9. How interesting a film we have just seen!
   10. His brother is as promising a young man as he.
   11. How wonderful a performance it is!
   12. Water is as precious a natural resource as oil.
C. 1. I heard her say that she was fed up with your grumbling.
   2. Don't let him get you into the habit of taking drugs.
   3. Did you notice him pause during his speech?
   4. This book can help you (to) arrange your time scientifically.
   5. They had no way out but to surrender.
   6. She had no choice but to terminate the contract.
   7. He will do anything for you except lend you money.
   8. I don't have any choice except to give up the plan.
   9. The only way you can be strong is stand together.
   10. Don't let fall the opportunity.
1. B 2.A 3. A  4. C  5. B

My view on well-intentioned lie

   Generally speaking, we should follow what the proverb says: Honesty is the best policy. Being sincere to your friends and those around you is the basic moral code from the time immemorial. People hate those who always lie to others.
    But what about well-intentioned lie? People with good will are always sympathetic with other people in their sufferings. They have to lie sometimes. For example, if one's friend is suffering from a mortal disease, say, lung cancer, he would bear heavy mental stress once he is told the disease. For the sake of reducing  his psychological pressure, his friends including his relatives would have to give him the information which is untrue.
    Thus we can arrive at a conclusion that well-intentioned lie is sometimes beneficial to the people.

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