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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]

Other GREetings can be used according to the situation and according to your relationship with the

other person.  It is true that foreigners don't usually ask each other if they have eaten...bul

other forms of social exchange are quite similar to those used by Chinese people. You may like to

memorize some of them and have them ready for unexpected use.  Others you can invent yourself or

make up on the sour of the moment.

Going shopping?
Been shopping?
Off to work?
Off home?
Buying something nice?
Bought something nice?
Going somewhere nice?
Waiting for someone?
Busy these days?
Had your holidays yet?

  Still stuck for something to say? Then don't forget the weather. In any country, at any time of

the year, at any time of the day ... weather we can always comment upon.

Lovely weather!
Terrible day, isn't it!
Too much rain recently!
Not enough sun, is there?
Don't like this snow, do yon?
Can't stand this heat, can you?
Warm isn't it?
What a strong wind today!
(More on this in Chapter Eight. )

  And don't forget that you can ask about the healh or the affairs of the other person or the other

person's family.

How are you? Alright?            = general, neutral question
How are you doing these days?    = last time you were ill or...
Everything alright now?          = before you had problems
How were the exams?              = How did you do in the exams
Is your sister better now?       = after her illness
What about your new job?         = do you like it?
Your friend had her baby yet?    =I know it's due

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