A: Animals communicate with one another by means of cries.
B:_____________ (1)?
A:Yes.For example,cats find mates by crying.
B:Well,that's true,but animals also communicate by other means.
A:_____________ (2)?
B:Such as by physicalcontacts(接触),smells,colours,etc.
(In the dormitory)
A:I think the government should give all students a weekly wage._____________ (1)?
B:I'm not sure I aGREe with you.Some students would want to be students for the whole of their life.
A:Oh,_____________ (2).I don't mean a high wage—just an allowance(津贴).
B:No,_____________ (3)it would be a good idea.I think it would be better for the government to give students an interest-free loan(无息贷款)and scholarship(奖学金).That's what they do in Sweden,_____________ (4)I know.
A:Well,that's another solution.But how long do they have to pay it back?
B:Ten years,I think.
A:_____________ (5)quite a good idea.
(A)1.Do you think so /Really /Is that true 2.Such as
(B)1.Don't you aGREe /Do you agree 2.Idon't think so 3.Idon'tthink 4.so far as /as far as 5.It sounds like /It's /I think it's