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[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]


that,where ,which ,have to ,so ,but,expensive ,mine ,come,earn ,exam,music,mustn 't,other,visit

Schooldays of a rock star

Bill Wy man,now in his sixties,was a member of TheRolling Stones,one of themost successful rock bands in the world.Here he tells us about his child hood.

I was one of three kids out of my primary school to get a place at grammar school.I wasdelighted because I liked learning,(51) ____ my father wasn't very pleased because Ihad to wear a uniform.The uniformwas(52) ____ ,and we were very poor.Also,I(53) ____ get a bicycle because the school was along way from(54) ____ Ilived.

One day,a boy fromschool invited me to his house.It was a lovely house—a palacecompared with(55) ____ .My father said I didn't have to invite my friend back to myhouse.In fact I didn't want my friends to(56) ____ to my house—it was too embarrassing(令人尴尬的).We had no electricity or running water,and the toilet was in the garden.

There was no heating in the house.In winter there was ice on the inside of our bedroomwindows,(57) ____ getting out of bed was really hard.The onlygood thing about it was that we didn'thave to have a bath every night.The water was too cold.

School was going well:I was almost sixteen and about to take myexams.But one day my father said,“Right,I've had enoughof you in that school.You're leaving.”

I had to leave school and start(58) ____ somemoney for the family.The headmasterasked my father to letme take the(59) ____ ,but he refused,and after that Icouldn't go to college.

Anyway,that was the end of my education but I can'tcomplain—after that I got into(60) ____ ,and the restis history!


The nobleart of queuing

There is one sport at which the British are always the world champions.Nobody canbeat themat the noble art of queuing.The British actually look forward to(61) ____ their weekends in a queue,waiting for a shop to open or waiting for a parking space at thefurniture superstore.

If you ever decided to(62) ____ Britain,you will need to knowsome ofthe basicrules of the sport.

First of all,remember that you only need one person to make a queue.(63) ____ you are alone at a bus stop,for example,don't look too relaxed.Make sure that you are inthe queue and look optimistically(乐观地)to your right.

If you want to keep your place in the queue,never leave a space(64) ____ youand the person in front,otherwise the person behind you will ask,“Are you in the queue?”(meaning“Don't you knowhowto queue properly?”)

Conversation is generally not a goodidea,and only two topics are(65) ____ :theweather and the bus timetable.Anything more and you will end up with a complete strangersitting next(66) ____ you,telling you their life story.

Unfortunately,the bus does not always stop in the correct place.Try to stay(67) ____ and,whatever you do,don't jump the queue.You can be sure that everysingle person in the queue knows exactly who is in front of them,and who is(68) ____ .

Followthese simple rules and you,too,can(69) ____ visiting the home of the

noble art of queuing.(70) ____ if you decide not to followthe rules,be prepared forthe worst.


A)51.but 52.expensive 53.had to 54.where 55.mine

56.come 57.so 58.earning 59.exams 60.music

B)61.spending 62.visit 63.If 64.between 65.acceptable /permitted /allowed /suitable

66.to 67.calm/quiet /there 68.behind /not 69.enjoy 70.But

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