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[日期:2007-10-27]   [字体: ]
200.Re: "历史人物离我们很遥远" 谢谢Historical figures are distant history.
201.Re: 急问一个问题,请大牛解答!!
The survey appears to suffer from several statistical problems, any of which renders
the survey's results unreliable.                        

我们从这个句子中可以看出,any of which renders the survey's results unreliable
从句的主语应该是 any of which, which 指代的是problems,还原一下,可以看得清楚,
其实就是:any of problems renders the survey's results unreliable.意思就是其中
任何一个问题都致使 the survey's results unreliable.
所以,我的观点是,这句话在语法功能上是对的。如果把any of 去掉,有两点不妥:
(2)语气上弱了很多,不能表达问题的严重性,任何一个问题都可以致使the survey's results
202.Re:什么起很大作用,除了 play a GREat role in ,还有什么常用表达  其他词组
就想起几个:be effective; play a part in... fulfil a function
呵呵 我还想起一个“不起作用”cut no ice :)
203.Re: 问xmsand翻译
焚书坑儒burning books and burying Confucion scholars alive
(by Qing Shihuang, the first emperor of Qing Dynasty)
204.Re: “子不教,父之过”如何翻译?If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame.
205.Re: 求教:"国民素质""发挥才华"怎么翻译
"国民素质"national quality "发挥才华"bring one's talent into play;
release one's gifts; give one's play to one's talent
206. Re: 我也请教xmsand 一个翻译,呵呵,科普读物怎么说阿?
popular science book/reader
科普science popularization科普工作science popularization work
科普工作者popularizer of science
207.Re: 人既有社会性,也有自然性,怎么说啊?
Man is a natural as well as social creature/being.
208.Re: ==请问:巴黎公社怎么翻译?==Paris Commune
209.Re: ==*宣言怎么翻译呀?==Communist Manifesto
210.Research is also the chief means by which we seek after the truth, 发现新的物?,
怎么 翻译 阿 ?
To seek truth, make new discoveries, explore new areas, thus to tap man's GREater
potential to procure more wealth, and finally speed the mutual proGREss of the
entire humanity, the major means is still the scientific research.
211.Re: 请问才华横溢怎么说
brim with talent; overflow with talent; be full of wit; have superb talent.
常用表达:才华横溢的人man of brilliant intellect; person of exuberant talent
他是个才华横溢的学者。He is a scholar of superb talent.
212.Re: 万有引力和日心说呢
日心说Heliocentricism;heliocentric theory
万有引力(universal)gravitation;gravitational force;gravity
213.Re: 告别旧时代是congee the old age?
用farewell to old times 吧:)
214.Re: 阳春白雪和曲高和寡呢
阳春白雪Spring Snow(melodies of the élite in the State of Chu) —— highbrow
art and literature. e.g. Many of the writer's books are considered caviar to

the general public.
曲高和寡highbrow songs find few singers —— be so highbrow that few people
can enjoy or understand
215.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的sociality
216.找到迷宫的出口,怎么说啊?find the maze exit
217. 必经之路only path/way
e.g. only road to economic development经济发展的必经之路
218. 吸取经验和教训extract experience and draw a lesson from...
219.Re: 社会性怎么说啊,比如人是有社会性的 sociality
220.Re: 宇宙大爆炸理论怎么说的?BiBang?the Big Bang
221.Re: 呵呵,郑板桥的“难得糊涂”怎么译比较好?谢谢先
Where ignorance is a bliss, it's folly to be wise.
222.Re: 请教翻译“获得奥运会主办权”怎么说啊
win the bid for the Olympic Games
223.Re: "淳朴的民风民俗保持的比较好"怎么说?
Local traits and customs(,which are simple and honest,) are in fair preservation.
224.Re: 问一下:“埋没人才”该怎么翻译
fail to do justice to talented people; stifle/suppress real talents
常用表达:His talent for painting was neglected.
225.Re: 请教一个说法,谢谢!
(1)There are...left before sb ... (2) sth is/are still ...away.
如果做“水平,能力要求”的意思讲:...be far from the requirement
226.Re: 怎么翻译“有所得必有所失”
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sun Aug  1 18:19:48 2004), 站内
(1)One can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
(2)When there is gain,there is loss.
顺便说一下,有失则有得:You have to make a sacrifice to get what you want.
227.Re: 请教“消费能力”怎么翻译Consumption Power
228.Re: xmsand大牛在的话就指教一下吧
1.记住;熟记;背熟:memorize the alphabet
vi.默记:These children can memorize easily.
vt.1.记得;回想起:Did you remember his name?
2.牢记;记住;不忘记:I remember long passages of Shakespeare.
3.纪念;记下,留下:remember the dead of the wars
4.(技)记忆,凭记忆恢复或重现:They bend on impact instead of breaking
but the material remembers its original picture
without loss of detail.
5.(古)使……记起,提醒:I remember me of that day.
vi.1.记住;有记忆力:Please remember!
2.记得;回忆:If I remember correctly, he wasn't there at the time.
3.(技)记忆:Such metal has a retention technique to remember.
4.(古)记起:I remember of him.
229.Re: 请教个词语翻译:18世纪的欧洲怎么说?Europe in the 18th century
230.Re: “一天又一天”是day by day?day after day
231.Re: [请教翻译]《理想国〉欧文 圣西门 傅立叶
《理想国》Republic欧文Irving圣西门St. Simon
傅立叶Fourier 空想社会主义utopian socialism(肯定正确的说法)
切格瓦拉 Che Guevara
232.Re: 请教几个翻译,谢谢!
校园枪击案school shooting,性观念淡漠The *ual sence of ... is weak.
少年犯罪率juvenile delinquency rate
233.Re: 请教一个句子的表达! A比B病的更严重,怎么表达比较好一些?
A is more seriously ill than B.
234.Re: 请问"纵向/横向对比"怎么翻译
纵向对比longitudinal/lengthwise comparison 横向对比parallel comparison
235.Re: 与其说。。。倒不如。。。
rather than
1.Rather than lose money,it would be better to close up the business.与其赔钱,不如停业。
2.She is more mad than stupid.与其说她愚蠢,还不如说她疯狂。
3.Rather than he do it, I'd prefer to do the job myself.与其让他去干这件事情,
236.Re: 请问开普勒的英文怎么写? 谢谢Johannes Kepler
237.Re: 科学无国界怎么说呀Science knows no boundaries.
238.Re: 最近的扫黄行动翻成英文如何说啊?
(1)campaign against porns; (2)anti-porn drive
239.Re: 请问伽利略的自由落体定律怎么说?Galileo's law of falling bodies
240.Re: 请教富人和穷人有娜几种表达方式?
富人rich person;wealthy person;man of means
穷人poor person;the poor/needy;pauper;have-nots
富人和穷人the rich and the poor;the haves and the have-nots
250.Re: 请问心理辅导课,价值观,自杀率,家庭暴力怎么说?
应该是“心理学辅导课”吧:)psychology tutorial
价值观values自杀率Suicide Rate(s) 家庭暴力family/domestic violence
251.Re: 请教“众人拾柴火焰高”怎么说?//bow
(1)the flames rise high when everybody adds fuel to it —— the more people,
the more strenth;(2)many hands make light work
252.Re: ==技术工人怎么翻译呀?==
skilled workers  technical personnel/staff(技术人员)
纯体力劳动的工人physical/manul labourer/worker
253.Re: 集中请教几种说法
参考表达:medicine with equal effect/potence
参考表达:conceive/cherish/embrace a desire to...
参考表达:be confronted/faced a challange...;face /meet change a challenge...;
rise to a chllange...
254. Re: 请问关于股市涨跌之类的该怎么说?
The stock jumped 100 points.股市暴涨100点。Stock market tumbled.股市猛跌。
255.Re: xmsand孙子兵法?Art of War by Sun Wu
256.Re: 请教“优质服务”怎么翻 啊
quality service;first-rate service
e.g. render first-rate service提供优质服务 Quality Service Month优质服务月
257.Re: 冷门的专业怎么说?谢谢!less popular discipline/major/subject
258.Re: 耗费了大量人力物力怎么翻译,谢谢了
consume (massive,enormous) manpower and material resources
259.Re: only开头的句子,都得倒装吧?
260.Re: 请问“家庭和睦”怎么说family harmony
261.Re: 再次请教贝多芬的几个交响曲怎么翻译
英雄变奏曲Eroica variations 命运交响曲Fate symphony
262.Re: 循环论证怎么翻译?circular argument
263.Re: 请教“四大发明”怎么翻译
four GREat inventions (in ancient China)
[i.e. the compass,gunpowder,paper-making,and printing]
264.Re: "地球绕着太阳转"的正确说法是什么?
The earth goes/revolves round the sun.
265.Re: 需要时间验证/考验怎么说?need time to bear?need/entail the test of time
266.Re: 集体活动怎么说?集体活动collective activities
267.Re: 心理暗示怎么说呀 maybe "psychological suggestion"
268.Re: 请问《西西弗斯的神话》英语应该怎么讲?The Myth of Sisyphus
269.Re: 含量怎么说啊?content
270.Re: 请教,在历史的长河中,如何翻译?during/in the long process of history
271.Re: 请问莫奈怎么拼?Claude Monet
272.Re: “在文中的两个地方”该怎么翻译??There are two same mistakes in the article.
e.g. Parts of the book are too exaggerated to be true.这本书有的地方写得夸张不实。
273.Re: 请问莫奈怎么拼?
印象派画家可以用impressionistic painter
光影的应用shade and shadow application
274.Re: 非暴力不合作计划,关于Gandhi的
Gandhi:the Non-Violence Movement
275.Re: 还有一个  因为什么的罪名 怎么翻译
276.中国经济的落后性:China's backward economy
277.落后:V.fall/lag/be behind N.underdeveloped;backwardbehind the times
278.社会混乱:social chaos/unrest
279.核试验:nuclear test
Cloning technology may violate moral principles, which lead to moral crisis.           
281. relevant relative有什么区别啊?
the relative costs of building in stone and in brick石块建筑与砖块建筑的比较造

They are living in relative comfort.他们生活得比较舒适。
2)相对(性)的:All human values are relative.人类的一切价值标准都是相对的。
3)有关的,相关的:relative proof 相关证据
4)(级别等)相当的,对应的:relative ranks (不同军种的)相应军衔
the relevant authorities有关当局
His remakrs are not relavant to our discussion.他的话不切合我们的话题
2)相关联的,相称的:make one's life relevant to the needs of the country使得个
public relative role举足轻重的社会作用
282.思想陈旧have  out-of-date/outdated/stale/old-fashioned ideas;
have an antiquated mind
283.不仅仅是要如此, 更要。。。。怎么表达呢?
not only...but also...   what is more important...   ...;moreover,...
284.不适合时代的要求或潮流cannot keep a* of the times
285.叶利钦:Boris Yeltsin
286.普京:Vladimir Putin
288.底层人民:people in the bottom of sciety
289.闭关锁国:cut off one's country from the outside world;close the country to
external world闭关政策closed-door policy;closed-doorism
290.强大的国家:powerful/strong nation
291. 打破迷信(应该是破除迷信吧)abolish superstition
292. 麦哲伦Magellan
This incident served as a wake-up call.
This incident sounded the alarm for us.
295.引以为戒learn lessons from...; take warning
296. 这使人们开始对这些领导人的个人品质产生怀疑
A doubt about the leader's character arises among the public.
298.基地组织 al-Qaeda group 塔利班 Taliban
(1)The media + blow sth up out of its proportion; enormously exaggerate; play up ...
(2)media hype
300.人口居住密集densely reside/live人口密集地区 densely/thickly populated area
(1)one who nears vermilion becomes red and one who nears ink becomes black-one
takes on the colour of one's company;
(2)one who keeps company with the wolf will learn how to howl;
(3)one who lies with dogs will rise with flees;
(4)one who lives with cripples learns to limp
302.地球环绕太阳转The earth goes/revolves round the sun.地动说Copernican theory;
the heliocentric theory
303.经营状况state of operation; (bonus vary with the) income of the venture
(1)You won't see the rainbow unless you have gone through the thunder and storm.
(2)No cross, no crown.
(3)How can we see the rainbows without seeing the rains a storm?
304.冲红灯:go through/run/jump a red light; shoot traffic lights
305.精神素养mental culture
e.g. be of elegant/cultivated(bad/poor/vulgar) taste品味高(低)
person of taste有品味的人
307.素质quality; makings
308.投毒(一个词),和arson, robbery等并列时用poison
309.减肥产品;weight-losing products
310.感情色彩:emotional coloring; sentiment
311.再现reappear; recur; be reproduced; 还原:return to the original condition/shape;
312.恶的根源:the parent (origin/root) of evils;
313.学历:academic/educational background; record of formal schooling;
formal academic credentials
314.军事装备:military equipment
315.资金:fund; capital
316.从历史和理性的角度看 from a historical and rational perspective
317.前后相承的关系:come down in one continuous line; can be traced to the same origin
318.灭亡: be destroyed; become extinct; die out; be wiped out
319.垃圾(指的是工业里dump的那种)industrial refuse
320.海明威: 老人与海Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea (斜体字)
321.快捷的交通:fast traffic/communication
322.后天的(不是ingenerate):postnatal; acquired; nurtured
323.Re: 请问,教育内容多元化  该怎么讲
educational content... become(s) pluralistic
pluralistic educational content
324.Re: 问一下一个句式任何人做...都会冒着被认为是...的风险,就是“去做...是...的”
的意思Anyone who...will risk being perceived as....
325.Re: conserve,reserve,preserve有什么区别啊~
conserve,reserve,preserve 均有“保护、保存、保留”之意,
326.Re: 请问 基因工程 如何表达?
genetic engineering
327.“基因重组”应该是gene recombination
328.Re: 请问衡量国家实力的那几个指标叫什么?
国民生产总值gross national product(GNP)国民财富总额gross national wealth (GNW)
国民总收入gross national income(GNI)国民总支出gross national expenditure(GNE)
国民福利总额gross national welfare(GNW)国民待遇national treatment(NT)
国内生产总值gross domestic product(GDP)国内生产净值net domestic product(NDP)
329.Re: 某个团体的成分因该用什么词,composition吗?比如说这些学生有一部分住校,
Resident students constitute a proportion of ....
The ratio of resident students and day students in this school is ....
330.Re: 请教一个翻译阶段性的成果staged achievement/gain
331.Re: 请问 豆腐渣工程 如何说jerry-built project; bean-dregs project
332.Re: 请问社会分工越来越细应该怎么说?
Society is increasingly compartmentalised.
333.Re: 请问“沦落到社会的底层”应该怎么表达?
be reduced to living at the bottom of society
334.Re: 改革开放怎么说啊?
reform and opening; reform and opening to the outside world
335.Re: 请问:“牛顿的力学三定律”怎么表达,谢谢Newtonian mechanics laws
336.Re: 请问:“生活质量”怎么表达,谢谢quality of life
337.Re: 请问:“快速的生活节奏”怎么表达,谢谢
看个句子感觉一下吧:)He was not quite used to the quick pace of life there.
338. Re: 请问:“心理素质”怎么表达,谢谢psycological quality
339.Re: 请问:“慈善事业”怎么表达,谢谢
charities;good works;charitable venture/enterprise;philanthropic undertaking.
340.Re: 请问:“吸取教训”怎么表达,谢谢learn one's lesson;draw a lesson
341. Re: 请问:“有害物质”怎么表达,谢谢harmful/noxious substances
342.Re: 请问:“中国女足”怎么表达,谢谢the Chinese National Women's Football Team
343. Re: 问大牛“存在着不可逾越的鸿沟”怎么说?
There is...unbridgeable/impassable gap...(impassable chasm)
344.Re: 请问经济特区怎么说?special economic zone
345.优质 and 劣质(作品):outstanding  inferior
347.风土人情:local conditions and customs
348.自然和人文景观:natural scenery and anthropological spectacle
349.身临其境:be personally on the scene—experience personally
e.g. You can get the facts only by investigating on the scene.
350.女权运动feminist movement; movement for women's rights
351.Re: “仁者见仁,智者见智.” 怎么翻译
the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom
--- different people have different views/opinions of the same thing
352.Re: 在过去的连续三年里   怎么说啊
in the past three straight/consecutive years
353.Re: 推动社会进步怎么说啊?
promote/propel (all-round) social proGREss
354.Re: 请问心理平衡,开设专版怎么说,谢谢!
mental/psychological balance
open/set up/establish a special board (for...)
355.水壶盖怎么说?:Pkettle lid
356.Re: “民族聚集区”“民族自治区”怎么说?
regions inhabited by ethnic groups in compact communities
民族自治区autonomous minority nationality area
357.Re: 问大牛“过于纷繁芜杂”怎么说?
numerous and complicated;mixed and disorderly;jumbled.
358.Re: 于百忙之中,该怎样翻译
busy schedule; be fully engaged.
Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to receive me.
359.Re: 荷马史诗 和 历史考证 如何翻译
The Iliad 《伊利亚特》The Odyssey 《奥德修记》
Aesop's Fables 《伊索寓言》 The Arabian Nights 《一千零一夜》
The Adventures of Pinocchio 《木偶奇遇记》
历史考证 make textual criticism/research on history
360.Re: 双刃剑该怎么翻译啊?double-edged sword
361.经济技术开发区 economic and technological development zone
362.聚众 assemble a crowd; gather a mob
363.不择手段:by fair means or foul; by hook or crook; unscrupulously
364.受力分析:force analysis
365.无法比拟:beyond/past/without compare; incomparable
366.娱乐圈:entertainment circle
367.炒做:publicize;sensationalize;enhance the popularity by media hype
368.知识储备:knowledge reserve
369.地域差别:geographical difference
371.超前消费:overconsuming, excessive consumption
...the more compartmentalised the subject is, the more thorough the research is...
373.涉及。。什么领域:involve ... domain
375.辉煌的成就:brilliant/outstanding achievement
377.具有威慑的作用:be a strong deterrent to
378.劣根性:deep-rooted/ingrained bad habit;innate/inherent weakness
379.Re: 翻译: A与B只是时间上的巧合,并没有直接的因果联系
Instead of direct causality, there is just a time coincidence between A and B.
380.Re: 请问“日益加剧的竞争”怎么说Competition is getting tough/heating up.
381.Re: 请问“即将步入社会”怎么说on the point of stepping into society
382.Re: 过犹不及 怎么说?
too much is as bad as too little;going beyond is just as wrong as not going far enough
383.Re: “在过去的一百年里,人类创造的比过去几千年所创造的都要多”
The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one-hundred years, has created more massive
and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together.
---Karl Marx
384.Re: “试想一下,如果。。。”怎么翻译??大牛解答
just think/imagine
e.g. Just think who else can do this?
385. Re: 请问工作性质,体质,运动强度,非处方药怎么说,谢谢!
工作性质working nature体质constitution运动强度exercise intensity
非处方药nonprescription drugs, over the counter drugs, OTC drugs
386.Re: 请问“面对面的交流”Face-to-Face Communication
387.艺术品 work of atr;artistic work
388.艺术领域domain of art
389.Re: 请问“人民不是完全被动的”
人民不是完全被动的The people are not completely passive/inactive.
390.Re: 高雅艺术怎么说呀高雅艺术 high art
391.Re: 盖棺论定怎么议
(1)only when the lid is laid on a person's coffin, can the final judgement be passed
on him
(2)no final verdict can be pronounced on a man until after his death;
(3)no judgement on a person can be finalized until his death.
392.Re: 问一下:math和maths,究竟怎么回事??
maths 在英国口语中使用, 等于mathematics
深得民意be well received; be very popular
e.g. The government enjoys strong popular support.
394.Re: 怎么表达"一厢情愿"的看法?
(1)one's own wishful thinking  (2)one-sided wish;
(3)a wish expressed by one side  e.g. This is just your own wishful thinking.
Chemistry acquaints us with the manufacturing process of artificial/synthetic rubber.
396.不仅仅是要如此, 更要。。。。not only...but also...
what is more important...  ...;moreover,...
Scientific knowledge learning not only expands our minds, but also remoulds the world
beneficial to human survival and development.
The slavery deprives slaves of their  personal freedom, and thus compels slaves
to obey their owner's will.
Deprived of their personal freedom, slaves have to obey their owner's will.
399.爱民如子(of an emperor)love one's subjects as one loves one's children
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