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新东方英语900句 Lesson 2

[日期:2007-11-06]   [字体: ]

1. What is your name?

2. My name is Alexander, Smith. Just call me Alex.

3. Is Lee your first name?

4. It is my family name.In China, we put our surname first.

5. Jiang is one of the most common surname in China.

6. Her name is Susan n Armstrong. N is an abrreviation of her middle name.

7. May I have your name, Miss?

8. I'm Gary, Rice. I'd like to be called Gary. And yours?

9. My name is Linda, Wilson. I was named after my grandmother. How do you spell your first name.

10. My first name is spelled G A R Y. How do your pronounce your last name?

11. It is pronounced Gary.

12. Sorry. What did you say your name was?

13. You must be Mr. John, Kennedy. You name proceeds your.

Dialog Exercises.

Number one Meeting a new classmate.

A. Good morning, how are you?

B. Fine, thank you. And you?

A. I'm fine. Are you a new comer to the class?

B. Yes, I am. I am Hans.

B. My surname is Wilhelm. I'm Hans, Wilhelm.

A. Will you spell your surname?

B. Wilhem, W I L H E L M.

A. Nice to meet you Hans.

B. Nice to meet you Hanry.

Number two. At the hotel receptionist

A. Good morning, I'm Oric, Lehner. I made a reservation.

B. Sorry, what did you say what's your name?

A. I'm Oric, Lehner.

B. Is Lehner your surname?

A. Yes, my surname is Lenard, and my givven name is Oric.

B. Will you spell your surname?

A. Lehner, L E H N E R.

B. Wait a moment, please. I'm browsing the computer record. Yes, Mr.Lehner, you have a reservation. This is the key and the room card ro room 404.

Number Three. What is your name?

A. Excuse me, is this seat taken?

B. No, you can sit here.

A. Thank you.

B. So, are you new here? I seem not match you before

A. I just came from Japan last week. I'm an exchange student.

B. Nice to meet you. My name is Jodge, Moris. Call me Jodge.

A. Hello, Jodge, My name is Ternaca, Honami.

B. Shall I call you Miss Ternaca or Miss Honami?

A. Miss Ternaca. Or Ternaca San in Japanese.

B. So Honami is your givven name?

A. Right, and Ternaca is a very popular Japanese surname. In Japan, we put our surname first.

B. How is Honami spelled?

A. H O N A M I. But I preffered to be called Alice, my English name.

B. That's easier to remember. One day, I'll learn Japanese from you

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