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新东方英语900句 Lesson 6

[日期:2007-11-06]   [字体: ]

Lesson Six Identify People

Core Sentences
1. Who are you?
2. I am Sally, a new secretary with your firm.
3. You are the English teacher, arn't you?
4. Are you Mr. GREen, the office manager?

5. Who is that madam over there?
6. Do you know, he might be the spoker man of today's press conference?
7. Who cares.
8. Where do you come from?
9. I'm from Shanghai. How about you?
10. Toronto is Michelle's hometown.
11. What do you do for living?
12. I work for the goverment.
13. Who is the girl in his school uniform?
14. It's Betty, and she is from New Zealand.
15. These guys are all Allen's classmates.

Dialog Exercise

Number one In a party.
B. It's Henry's mother. She is a actor.
A. And the tall man beside her is Henry's father?
B. No, he is an engineer from Germany.
A. He works for the goverment.
B. So, the shortm man beside her is Henry's father?
A. No, He is a famous producer.
B. Then the man in uniform must be his father?
A. No, he is the camera man.
B. Where is his father then? Especially, when his mother is sorounded by so many man?
A. Come on, Who cares.

Number Two, Woman Boss.
A. See Ivon, my boss is on today's newspaper.
B. Who? You mean the man in the ?
A. No, that's her husband. He is a parter of .
B. Wo, it's she. Angela, don't you mind have a woman boss?
A. Why should be. She is a smart woman and good at her job. She is man, but is more senstive.
B. Ok, ok. Who is the girl beside her? her daughter?
A. I think so, I hear she is top student of her class. She is just back from her university in New York.
B. I can see that's a lovely family. Your boss is a victor of life.

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