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[日期:2008-07-23]   [字体: ]
Busy signal

信号忙(陈继龙 编译)

Jun 8th 2006
From The Economist print edition

LONDON responded to terrorist attack on July 7th______①true Blitz style: rescuers were heroic, and ordinary citizens showed compassion and fortitude. (1)Or so the politically correct version goes.A report this week from the London Assembly takes a sterner line. In fact, radios failed to work, medical supplies were lacking, some ambulances arrivedinexplicably[1]late and traumatised people were left to wander off.

______________________________________. (这是关于去年造成56人丧生、数百人受伤的地铁和公共汽车爆炸事件的第三份官方报告。)In May theHome Office offered a “narrative” of events but cast blame only______②the terrorists. (2)A parliamentary investigation concluded that the intelligence services, stretched thin, had done their best.The London Assembly's take on the matter will not satisfy those who want an independent public inquiry. But it has, at least, got beneath thegloss[2].
这是关于去年造成56人死亡、数百人受伤的地铁和公共汽车爆炸事件的第三份官方报告。今年五月,英国内政部首先对此事件进行了“陈述”,但把全部责任都归咎于恐怖分子。后来,英国议会组织对事件进行调查后认为,人手捉襟见肘的情报部门并没有玩忽职守。对于那些希望进行独立公众调查的人而言,伦敦议会对该问题的态度并不能让他们感到满意,不过它至少让问题浮出了水面。(译者按:sb's take on sth是指“someone's opinion about a situation or idea”,即“某人对……的见解”)

The response to the July 7th bombings was chaotic, and in ways that ought to have been preventable. The emergency services had no coherent plan______③place to care for those who survived, the report suggests. (3)But most crippling were the communication failures.

Police, ambulance workers and firefighters were unable to talk to each other underground; only the radios of the transport police worked in the tunnels. The emergency services had to rely on runners to pass information to and______④disaster areas. Yet a report on a big fire at King's Cross tube station had drawn attention to precisely this problem in 1988.

Communications above ground were not much better. (4)Rescue workers competed with bewildered bystanders for access to overloaded mobile-phone networks.The City of London Police, for its part, asked one wireless operator to favour certain rescue workers by limiting service for ordinary users. Earlier, a body headed by the Metropolitan Police had decided this was unnecessary.

Richard Barnes, who chaired the assembly's July 7th review committee, says the report is not meant todisparage[3]the work of the rescuers but rather to fix the problems they encountered. Almost a year later, the situation has barely improved: a new digital radio network for London's underground, for example, is running______⑤schedule. (5)The assembly plans new hearings in November to hold various feet to the fire.
伦敦议会“爆炸事件调查委员会”主席理查德•巴恩斯称,报告无意贬损救援人员所做的工作,而是希望解决他们遇到的问题。事发近一年了,情况依然没有明显好转——原计划在伦敦地下建立的一套新型数字无线电网络,但这一计划至今仍被束之高阁。伦敦议会打算在11月召开新一轮听证会,以期引起各方面对这一问题的高度重视。(译者按:to hold various feet to the fire,就我的理解看,可能相当于“让人如坐针毡”)

1. 在文中空白处填入适当的介词:
①______ true Blitz style
②cast blame only ______ the terrorists
③had no coherent plan ______ place
④pass information to and ______ disaster areas
⑤running ______ schedule
2. 英译汉(将划线部分英文翻译成中文):

1. inexplicable adj.too unusual or strange to be explained or understood [= incomprehensible, strange]:无法理解的,莫名其妙的
2. gloss n.(beneath the gloss of)an attractive appearance on the surface of something that may hide something less pleasant 表面地或虚假的吸引人的形象;假象
3. disparage vt.to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not think they are very good or important 毁谤,贬损

[replyview]1. ①in;②on;③in;④from;⑤behind
3.This is the third official report into the bombs on tube and bus that killed 56 people last year and injured hundreds more
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