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[日期:2024-05-29]   [字体: ]

第I卷  (共75分)

I. 单项填空(共20小题, 20分)

1. Three score and eight is ____ .

A. 68    B. 58    C. 48    D. 38

2. The students in that class often help _____ .

A. each other    B. one other    C. one after another     D. each one

3. There are ____ many bikes of the same color that I could hardly pick out mine from them .

A. very     B. quite     C. so    D. such

4. The passengers should wait in ________ when they want to get on the plane .

A. this way    B. line    C. danger     D. hope

5. The gestures (手势) are _____ both by Chinese and foreigners as ____ the same meaning .

A. accepted ; having     B. accepted ; to have

C. received ; having     D. received ; to have

6. he ____ the importance to master a foreign language in our work .

A. pointed out    B. work out    C. pointed to    D. turned to

7. ---_____ it be Li Ping who broke the glass ?

--- No. It ______ be Wu Dong who did it .

A. Can , must    B. Must , Can     C. Must , Must    D. May , need

8. The boss went to see Mr King, and ____ him for his work .

A. praised     B. praising     C. and praising    D. praise

9. Abu Simbel, ____ is in Egypt was moved stone ___ stone above the water le2C ____ is in Egypt was CP>A. that ; by    B. that ; after    C. which ; by     D. who ; after

10. ---- Do you like Chinese food ?

---- Yes . But I ____ eating a big meal for such a long time .

A. don't feel like   B. would like not    C. feel like not    D. would not like

11. The parents _____ the boy's name before they sent him to the nursery .

A. were marked the clothes with     B. marked the clothes with

C. were marked with the clothes     D. marked with the clothes

12. If you go _____ his plan , you will be punished .

A. through     B. ahead     C. on     D. against

13. Be careful ____ to turn off the light .

A. not forget    B. not to forget     C. forget not     D. forget to not

14. She told me the castle which ____ from the 14 century .

A. dated    B. came    C. leaned    D. heard

15. ---_______ ?

--- I'm sorry , but it's not allowed .

A. Is Lizzy in              B. Is that Lizzy speaking
C. Would you mind my talking here    D. Would you like some help

16. The farmers thought of ways _____ their trees .

A. of protect     B. protecting     C. to protect     D. to protecting

17. Not the wonderful views but the warmth of the hosts ____ moved us all .

A. has     B. have     C. was     D. are

18. I heard the clock but then I ____ and went on sleeping ,

A. moved back     B. came back     C. turned over     D. came out

19. This is the concert hall _____ he has given very successful performances .

A. where     B. which     C. that     D. when

20. Will you please keep a certain ____ a way from the fire ?

A. condition    B. sign     C. far     D. distance

II. 完形填空(共20小题; 20分)

  阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从26—45各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

Two years ago I moved to a new neighborhood . There seemed to be very __21__ people in this area __22__ are without telephones , __23__ I hoped to get a new phone quickly . I __24__ one as soon as I moved into my new house .

“We aren't __25__ many new phones in your area ,”an engineer told me . “A lot of people want new phones __26__ and the company is employing __27__ engineers than last year so as to __28__ money . A new phone __29__ you much money , but it will __30__ a little time . We can't do anything for you before __31__ . ”

You need a lot of ___32___ if you're waiting for a new phone and you need a few ___33___ whose phones you can __34__ as well . Fortunately , I had ___35__ .

December came and __36__ , but there was ___37__ sign of phone . I went to the company's office to ask about it . “They told me I'd have a phone __38__ December , ”I said __39__ .

“ __40__ ?”the assistant asked .

21. A. few       B. many     C. much     D. such

22. A. which     B. whom     C. whose    D. who

23. A. because   B. so         C. though    D. since

24. A. looked after B. asked for   C. found out  D. picked up

25. A. supplying  B. selling     C. building    D. repairing

26. A. for a long time   B. at the moment   C. at that time    D. for a moment

27. A. more      B. fewer      C. less       D. enough

28. A. waste      B. make      C. save      D. get

29. A. will pay    B. won't pay  C. will spend  D. won't cost

30. A. take       B. spend      C. do        D. have

31. A. December  B. this year    C. Christmas  D. next year

32. A. money     B. time       C. patience    D. help

33. A. friends     B. engineers   C. lawyers    D. guides

34. A. lend       B. use        C. answer     D. choose

35. A. one       B. either       C. both       D. neither

36. A. went      B. gone        C. going      D. to go

37. A. not       B. no           C. a         D. the

38. A. in        B. after         C. by        D. for

39. A. quickly    B. anxiously     C. angrily    D. happily

40. A. Really     B. Is that proper  C. Are you right   D. Which year

III. 阅读理解(共20小题。A节每小题2分, B节每小题1分; 满分35分)

A) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。

GREat Britain is an island that lies off the northwest coast of Europe . The nearest country is France which is 20 miles away . Great Britain is separated from France by the English Channel . The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean , to the west , and the North Sea , to the east . It includes the main lands of England , Wales and Scotland . Scotland is in the north while Wales is in the west . Ireland , which is also an island , lies off the west coast of Great Britain . It is made up of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic .

GREat Britain together with Northern Ireland forms the United Kingdom (U.K.). So the U.K. is made up of four countries . The largest of these is England which is divided into 43 counties (县、、郡) . The capital city is London which is on the river Thames .

41. Which of the pictures correctly shows the U. K. ?

(略)(此题图过于复杂, 就此题型, 请原谅)

42. GREat Britain is separated from France by __________ .

A. the North Sea    B. Suez Canal     C. English Channel    D. Thames

43. GREat Britain lies on the __________ of the Atlantic Ocean .

A. west     B. north     C. east     D. south

44. The United Kingdom is made up of ________ .

A. England , Wales , Scotland and Ireland

B. England , Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland

C. GREat Britain and Ireland

D. GREat Britain and the Irish Republic

45. It is true that England is _________ .

A. the smallest of the four countries in U. K.   \

B. only larger than Wales

C. as large as Ireland     D. the largest country in U. K.

who doesn't love sitting beside a cosy fire on a cold winter's night ? Who doesn't love to watch flames (火苗) curling up a chimney ? Fire is one of man's GREatest friends , but also one of his greatest enemies. Many big fires are caused by carelessness . A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can start a fire . Sometimes , though , a fire can start on its own . Wet hay (草) can begin buring by itself . This is how it happens : the hay starts to rot (腐烂) and begins to give off heat which is trapped inside it . Finally , it bursts into flames . That's why farmers cut and store (贮存) their hay when it's dry .

Fires have destroyed whole cities . In the 17th century , a small fire which began in a baker's shop burnt down nearly every building in London. Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon . This fire continued burning for seven days . And , of course , in 64 A. D. a fire burnt Rome . Even today , in spite of modern fire - fighting methods , fire causes millions of pounds' worthy of damage each year both in our cities and in the countryside . It has been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master .

46. The writer considers it ________ to sit beside a fire on a cold winter night .

A. nice     B. dangerous    C. unhappy    D. painful

47. Which of the following describes the way how hay begins burning on its own ?

A. wet hay becomes dry gives off heat burns

B. dry hay gets too much heat from the sun gives out heat starts to burn

C. wet hay begins to rot gives out heat starts to burn

D. dry hay gives off heat starts to rot starts to burn

 48. Many big fires are caused __________ .

A. by cigarette       B. by their own

C. by dry grass       D. by people's carelessness

 49. how many examples did the writer give to show fires can destroy the whole city ?

A. One     B. Two     C. Three     D. Four

50. Which of the following statement is not true ?

A. Fires still cause much damage now although there are modern fire - fighting methods .

B. Fires cause less damage in the country than in the city .

C. Fire can be man's good friend and also GREat enemy .

D. One should be careful not to throw a lighted cigarette everywhere .

The king of the oil field is the driller . He is a very skilled man . Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth . During the process (过程) of drilling , gas and oil at GREat pressure may suddenly be met , and if he rushes out and catches fire that oil well may never be brought into operation at all . This danger is well known and steps are always taken to prevent it.

There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil . The drill may just miss the oil although it is near ; on the other hand , it may strike oil at a fairly high level . When the drill goes down , it brings up soil . the soil is examined for traces (痕迹) of oil . If they are disappointed at one place , the drillers go to another . A lot of money has been spent , for example , in the deserts of Egypt , in “searching”for oil . Sometimes little is found . When we buy some petrol (汽油) for our cars , we pay not only the cost of the petrol , but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on .

51. The word “drilling”in this passage means ____.

A. doing exercises     B. searching for oil     C. preventing fires    D. training workers

52. The driller is unlucky when the drill ______.

A. goes very near the oil without striking it

B. brings up oil

C. strikes oil at a fairly high level

D. does not bring up oil

53. The soil the drill brings up is _____.

A. useful    B. poor     C. of no use    D. colorful

54. The cost of unsuccessful drilling is ______.

A. met by the driller        B. paid by the government

C. included in the selling price of petrol    D. returned by the oil wells

55. According to the passage, which of the following is right ?

A. The drillers are the kings of the oil field , and the engineers are their people .

B. The drillers always send their drills more than a mile into the earth .

C. Sometimes the oil wells may be destroyed by the fire because the GREat pressure of gas and oil .

D. If you go to the desert of Egypt , you'll see a lot of oil wells .

B)根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A: You'd better take pencil and paper to class. ___56___

B: Why? Everything the teacher will talk about is written in the book.

A: Yes , it's true. ___57____

B: Sure . I underline or circle the important information in the book.

A: I also do that. ____58____ His explanation must be written down.

B: Right . ____59____

A: ___60____.

B: I'll do that from now on.

A. But sometimes the teacher gives some explanations.

B. You should pick out the main points.

C. But I can't take notes on all of his explanations.

D. You need to take notes.

E. I don't think it's necessary.

F. But can you remember everything important he says?

G. Because some of them aren't important at all.

第II卷  (共25分)

IV. 单词拼写(共5小题; 5分)

根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母, 在句子右边的横线上写出各单词的完全形式。(每空只写一词)

61. As an e_____ on ENT, he does much research into illnesses of ear, nose and throat.

61. __________

62. Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his n____ language.

62. _________

63. A new l_____ will be built near our school, you can borrow books from it later.

63. __________

64. The Chinese diet is considered to be the h________ in the world.             

64. __________

65. Doreen and I keep in t____ with each other by writing often.                

65. __________

V. 单句改错(共5小题, 5分)

66. Tom was the man was seen to save the boy form the river .                               
66. _________

67. They climbed the mountain and reaching the top of it two hours later to watch the rising sun .                                                                                                  
67. ________

68. He did all he could help me with my English .                                                      
68. ________

69. It is easy that to draw and write on silk .                                                                 
69. ________

70. By the year of 1967 , he finished two novels .                                                         
70. ________

IV. 书面表达(15分)

Ann是一位美国教师, 在课堂上介绍感恩节的一天。请你根据下面的表将她的介绍写一篇80左右的短文。

      Activities                        Time

1. getting up                        8:30am

2. cooking                          10:00am ---- 3:00pm

3. watching football game on TV        break

4. family gathering around the table      3:00pm --- 4:00pm

5. cleaning up                       5:30pm ---- 6:00 pm

6. going outside and playing games         8:00pm

7. coming back to eat something            9:00pm

8. our relatives leaving                    10: 00pm

9. going to bed                          after 11:00pm


I. 单项填空:

1. 信息词是score = twenty   three score = 60. 故答案选A。

2. help each other 互相帮助,选A。

each other = one another 互相。

one after another 一个接一个,一个又一个,如:

They got on the bus one after another .


3. 根据  so many  +可数名词复数 +that …

much  +不可数名词

这一结构, 应选C.

4. wait in line 表示“站成一行等候”, 介词in表示以…方式.

如果in this way的意思则是用这种方法。in danger 是处于危险之中。

in hopes of / in the hope of / in the hope that ---


5. 答案应选A. 这句的意思是“手势是中国人或外国人可接受的一种表达相同意思的一种方式”。

be accepted by  被动结构, 被…所接受, 而不是receive 收到。另外, as是prep. “作为”后面接名词、代词或动名词(V-ing) 形式。

6. point out  指出    work out 算出

point to   指向 . 如: point to sb. 指着某人

turn to   转向, 求助于

根据原题应选A. 意为“他指出了在我们的工作中掌握一门外语的重要性”.

7. 这题考察情态动词 must 和 can 的用法。

表示对现在情况的肯定推测应用must, 如:

在疑问句和否定句中则应用can和can't . 原题是一般疑问句, 故用Can . 答句中已对李平打破玻璃做了否定说明之后, 进一步用肯定的口气说明肯定是吴东做了此事。所以应选must . 答案应是A.

8. 首先判断这是一个并列句。并列连词and前后的动词应时态一致,即都在此句中用过去式:所以答案选A.

9. 答案选C. 在非限定性定语从句中, 先行词是物时, 关系代词用which . 另外, 名词单数+by +名词单数.  表示“一个一个地”。

10. 答案选A. feel like + doing 愿意, 喜欢做 --- ,

否定形式: don't feel like doing .

11. 答案选B. mark ----- with 用---在--- 上做记号. (动作) be marked with --- 强调状态。

12. 答案选D. 短语 go against 反对

go through  通过, 穿过

go ahead     前进, 干吧! 说吧 !

go on       继续  接名词要用with .

在本句中应用 : go on with his plan .

13. be careful (not ) to do . 所以选B.

14. 根据词组 date from . 选A.  句中castle 是城堡的意思。

15. 此题主要考察的不是电话用语, 而是征求对方意见的客套用语. 答案选C. Would you mind my talking here ? 我在这交谈你介意吗? / 行吗?

I'm sorry , but it's not allowed . 对不起, 这不允许交谈.

16.  way后做定语的可用       of doing  所以选C.

17. 首先理解此句含义: 不是美丽的景色而是主人的热情打动了我们.

not ---but “不是--- 而是”谓语动词应随后一个主语而定, 所以用单数.

not -- but  结构中not和but之后置相同词类的单词、短语或从句。

He is not a doctor but a lawyer . 他不是医生而是律师。

This is a question not of money but of time .


17题答案选A. 另外要注意, 用主动语态而不是被动, 是sth. move sb. 结构, 而不是sb. be moved by sth. 结构 .

18. 答案选C.  turn over  表示“翻身”之意 .

19. 这是定语从句. 选A. 因为关系副词 where 在从句中做状语。

20. 答案选D的原因在于keep a certain distance 表示保持一定的距离。



I. 单项填空

1----5   A A C B A     6----10  A A A C A

11---15  B D B A C      16---20  C A C A D

II. 完形填空

21----25  A D B B A     26----30  B B C D A

31----35  A C A B C     36----40  A B C C D

III. 阅读理解

41----45  B C C B D     46----50  A C D C B

51----55  B A A C C     56----60  D F A C B

IV. 单词拼写

61. expert    62. native    63. library    64. healthiest    65. touch

V. 单词改错

66. Tom was the man  L  was seen to   66. who save the boy from the river .

67. They climbed the mountain and reaching the top of it    

67. reached two hours later to watch  the rising sun .

68. He did all he could  L  help      

68. to me with my Eglish .

69. It is easy that to draw and write      

69. that on silk .

70. by the year of 1967, he L finished 

70. had two novels .

VI. 书面表达

One possible version :

My Thanksgiving Day activities are very different from my normal weekly activities. First of all, I am able to sleep later. I usually wake up around 8:30. Then I always go downstairs and help my mother and and my sister cook. We often cook until 3:00 in the afternoon. Sometimes I take a break from the kitchen to watch the football game on TV. We seldom eat before 3:00. Betweench the football game on e whole family gather around the table to eat. Afterwards, we clean up until about 5:30 or 6:00. When the kitchen is clean, we go outside and play games until about 8:00 . Then we come back in to eat apple pie and pumpkin pie. Our relatives usually leave by 10:00. I never go to bed before 11:30 on Thanksgiving Day.


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