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[日期:2024-05-29]   [字体: ]

满分:100分   考试时间:120分钟
(  )1.A. letter    B. doctor   C. actor
(  )2.A. be      B. do      C. the

(  )3.A. engine  B. engineer  C. enjoy
(  )4.A. How    B. What    C. Now
(  )5.A. make    B. made    C. making
(  )6.A. I’m going to be a teacher when I grow up.
     B. I’m going to take a foreign language lesson.
     C. I’m going to the park next Sunday.
(  )7.A. I’m going to be an airplane pilot.
     B. I’m going to work harder this year.
     C. I’m watching the video.
(  )8.A. It’s good       B. That is mine
     C. She is going to do more exercise.
(  )9.A. They say that they like it.
     B. They’re GREat.
     C. They said that they’re going to study more subjects.
(  )10.A. He wants to move to interesting places.
      B. He will enjoy his computer game.
      C. He’s going to practise his English.
(  )11.Who can go to the party?
A. The man     B. Mary   C. The woman
(  )12.What doe the man like for supper?
A. Potatoes     B. Eggs    C. Noodles
(  )13.Who is a doctor?
A. Doreen      B. King    C. King’s father
(  )14.What are the two speakers going to do?
A. Go to school  B. Go to watch games
C. Go to the cinema.
(  )15.What does Sally do?
A. He is a doll     B. He does nothing
C. He is a student
(  )16.A guide is talking to the tourists.
(  )17.The tourists are on the way to London.
(  )18.People in London don’t like to help foreign tourists.
(  )19.People working there often have a lot of time visiting the museum.
(  )20.There are many parks and gardens in the city.
Ⅱ. 单项填空(30小题,计15分)
(  )21.Tom walks to school every day.
A. on foot   B. goes to  C. goes to … on foot
(  )22.There are over 50 students in our class.
A. about    B. more than C. around
(  )23.We had a good time in the park yesterday.
A. enjoyed myself       B. have fun
C. enjoyed ourselves.
(  )24.Finally they arrived there after a long journey.
A. At the end  B. In the end C. At the last
(  )25.I got a letter from my friend last week.
A. received from     B. heard from
C. heard a letter from
(  )26. “____ do you surf the Internet?”
“Once a week.”
A. How soon  B. How often  C. How long
(  )27.The students in this school have P.E. class once ___ twice a week.
A. and       B. or         C. so
(  )28. “______ your uncle?” “He’s a farmer.”
A. How’s     B. What’s    C. Who’s
(  )29.—_____ does she do on weekends?
—She often goes to the movies.
A. How       B. What     C. When
(  )30.____eye exercises ____ good _____ your eyes.
A. Doing ; are ; for  B. Do ; is ; for
C. Doing ; is ; for
(  )31.The river is very dirty. ______ people want to swim in it.
A. A few       B. Little        C. Few
(  )32.You’re too tired. You ____ have a good rest.
A. should       B. can       C. shouldn’t
(  )33.Mrs. Jenny gave us ____ on how to learn English well.
A. some advices         B. many advices
C. some advice
(  )34.The man _____ glasses is my physics teacher.
A. with      B. has        C. wears
(  )35.Eating too much sugar is bad for your ______.
A. tooth     B. teeth      C. tooths
(  )36.—What do you think of tomorrow’s football mach?
     —____ difficult ___ us ____ the match.
A. We’re ; of ; to win   B. It’s ; for ; winning
C. It’s ; for ; to win
(  )37.We like the people _____ are polite (有礼貌的).
A. where      B. who     C. what
(  )38.I was born ___ June, but my sister was born ____ January 1st.
A. on ; on     B. in ; in     C. in ; on
(  )39.Can you tell us ____ ?
A. where does he live   B. where he lives
C. where he does live
(  )40.—How do you usually come to school?
—_____ my father’s car.
A. By        B. In         C. With
(  )41.The price(价格)of the bike depends _____ its quality (质量).
A. on         B. in         C. at
(  )42.The teacher told the children that the earth ____ around the sun.
A. moves      B. moved    C. was moving
(  )43. “_____?” “It’s Saturday.”
A. What’s the date  B. What time is it
C. What day is it today
(  )44.There ____ a football match on TV this evening
A.      is going to have  B. is going to be
C. is going to is.
(  )45.Lin Tao is as ___ as Zhang Hua.
A. strong     B. stronger  C. the strongest
(  )46.I think January is _____ than February.
A. good      B. bader    C. much worse
(  )47.Han Mei is my friend. She is _____ outgoing than me.
A. a little much B. much more  C. much
(  )48.Would you like ____________ relish on the bread?
A. many           B. any           C. some
(  )49.―Did you go to the zoo yesterday?
A. Yes, I didn’t B. No, I didn’t C. Yes, I was
(  )50.Do you know the city ____ Wuxi?
A. called       B. calls      C. to call
Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)
It was the last lesson before 51  holidays. The students  52  very happy. Their English teacher was very happy,  53  . The teacher   54  played nice games with them. He sang some nice songs, and then he went to the blackboard and wrote “SMILES”  55  it.“This is one of the  56  words in English”,he said to the class. The  57  class laughed, and then one girl  58  and said,“Why is it one of the longest words in English?”The teacher said  59  for a while. Then he smiled and said,“Because there is a mile between the  60  letter and the last.”
(  )51.A. much     B. an      C. the
(  )52.A.is             B. are      C. were
(  )53.A. too           B. neither   C. also
(  )54.A. a little  B. little     C. also
(  )55.A. before  B. on      C. in
(  )56.A. long    B. longer   C. longest
(  )57.A. whole    B. each    C. all
(  )58.A. stand up        B. sit down C. stood up
(  )59.A. something B. anything C. nothing
(  )60.A. one     B. first     C. two
Ⅳ. 阅读理解(20分)
Some children wish to be writers some day. They want to write stories or books for people to read. That's good! It's good to write something for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead(代替) of watching TV and spending a lot of time playing games when they are free.
There is more fun in reading, you want to look for more books to read.
Before you decide(决定) to be a good writer, you'd better say to yourself, "I must read more and more!"
(  )61. This article mainly tells us that _____.
A. some children wish to be writers some day
B. it is good to write something for people to read
C. reading can be helpful for us to become a good writer
(  )62. Some children want to be writers ________.
A. because they want to be good readers
B. to write stories or books for people to read
C. to find good work some day
(  )63. It's good for children ________.
A. to do a lot of reading
B. to watch TV in the evening
C. to have wishes only
(  )64. Reading can ________.
A. help you to be a good player
B. help you write well
C. make you work better
(  )65. From the passage we know that _____.
A. all children like to be writers
B. people like to read for children
C. children need to read more and more books
It was Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful drum(鼓).
"Who gave him that thing?" Jimmy's father said when he saw it. "His grandfather did," answered Jimmy's mother.
Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible(可怕的) noise with it, but his father didn't mind(介意). He was working during the day and Jimmy was already in bed when he got home in the evening, so he couldn't hear the noise.
But one of the neighbors(邻居) didn't like the noise at all, so a few days later, she took a sharp(锋利的) knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, "Hello, Jimmy, there is something very nice inside your drum. Here is a knife. Open the drum and let's find it."
(  )66. Jimmy got a lot of nice presents from his ________.
A. classmates     B. friends     C. family
(  )67. Who gave Jimmy the drum?________.
A. His father B. His mother C. His grandfather
(  )68. Why didn't Jimmy's father stop him from making noise with the drum? Because________.
A. he liked Jimmy very much
B. he didn't hear it
C. Jimmy was in bed
(  )69. One of the neighbors________.
A. didn't like the noise at all
B. enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum
C. wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife
(  )70. What did Jimmy's neighbor really want him to do? To________.
A. stop him making noises
B. make a noise on his drum with a knife
C. show him how to hit the drum
Ⅴ. 补全对话(10小题,计10分)
A. Football is very popular in our school.
B. Shall we have a basketball game after school?
C. It's hard to say. What about you?
D. Very much.
E. Are you good at basketball?
A: Do you like ball games?
B:  1  .
A: Which ball game do you like best, football, basketball, or Ping-Pong?
B:  2  .
A:I think I like football best.
B:  3   But I like basketball better than football.
A:  4  .
B: Yes, most of the boys in my class are good at it.
A:  5  .
B: Sorry, I'm afraid not. We'll have a class meeting this afternoon.
A: I’m hungry! Let’s (6)________ a banana milk shake.
B: (7)______ do you make a banana milk shake?
A: Well, first peel three bananas.
B: Three bananas?
A: Yes. (8)_________ cut up the bananas.
B: OK, I’m finished.
A: Now put the bananas and ice cream in the blender. Then (9)_________ the milk in the blender.
B: Is this enough milk?
A: I guess so. Next, (10) _______ on the blender. Finally, pour the milk shake in a glass and drink it.
Ⅵ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空(10分)。
1.He ________(live) in Beijing ten days ago.
2.Listen! The girl ___________ (sing) in the next room..
3.Please ask him ________(speak) more loudly
4.I’ll tell you as soon as he _____ (come) back.
5.He went to school without _______ (have) breakfast.
6.We________(talk) when the teacher came in.
7.The teacher told us the earth ____(go) round the sun.
8.I’ll help you if I _______ (be) free tomorrow.
9.I saw my mum _______(cook) when I got home.
10.The teacher made us _________(write) the new words three times.
Ⅶ. 阅读填空(5分)。
  Three years ago, Mr Johnson retired(退休). He returned to his hometown with his wife. Bad luck! The old woman died five months ago and now he had to live in the small town alone. His son asked him to live with them in the city, but he refused. He hated the noisy life there. He had some new friends and thought he enjoyed himself. So the young man bought a nice vat(缸) with about fifty goldfishes (金鱼) in it. They could never make any noise in the night and his father could have a good sleep.
  Mr Johnson liked the goldfishes and took good care of them. He bought some books and did all what’s said in them. He often told his friends about his goldfishes and they went to visit them. He was very happy.
  A few days later, the old man looked worried. A cat of his neighbour’s stole(偷) his goldfishes at night. He tried to catch it, but he couldn’t. He had to sleep near the vat. It made him very tired. So the angry old man went to a shop and said, “Excuse me, sir. Where can I buy a shark(鲨鱼), please?”
  “Oh?” the man in the shop said in surprise. “What do you have it for?”
  “I want to teach the cat a lesson(教训)!”
1. Mr Johnson returned to his hometown               because he liked the q_______ place.
2. The young man thought goldfishes could          k________ quiet, so he bought some for his father.
3. Mr Johnson thought his goldfishes pretty, so he often s________ them to his friends.
4. Mr Johnson had to look after the goldfishes at night, so he was very tired in the d_________.
5. Mr Johnson wanted a shark to e_____ the cat.

你的朋友 Mike 
出生年月 1988年9月 
出生地点 英国伦敦(London)附近的一座小城镇 
职    业 中学生 
其    它 由于他父母都在中国教学英语,两年前随父母来到中国。他们全家人非常喜欢中国和中餐。 

参  考  答  案
1——5 CABAB    6—10 BBACC
11—15 BABCA   16—20 AABBA
Ⅱ. 单项填空(30小题,计15分)
21—25 CBCBB   26—30 BBBBC
31—35 CACAB   36—40 CBCBB
41—45 AACBA   46—50 CBCBA
Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)
51—55 CCACB  56—60.CACCB
Ⅳ. 阅读理解(20分)
61-65 CBABC     66—70 CCBAA
Ⅴ. 补全对话(10小题,计10分)
B) 6.make   7. How   8. Then 
9. pour  10. turn
Ⅵ. 用所给动词的正确形式填空(10分)。
1. lived   2. is singing   3. to speak
4. comes  5. having     6. were talking
7. goes    8. am   9 cooking  10. write
Ⅶ. 阅读填空(5分)。
1.quiet     2. keep    3. showed 
4. daytime  5. et
  1. quiet
  点拨:从短文中的He hated the noisy life there来看,他喜欢平定的生活,才要回到故乡去。
  2. keep
  3. showed
  点拨:Mr Johnson告诉朋友,就是让他们看他的金鱼。
  4. daytime
  点拨:Mr Johnson要在夜里保护金鱼,白天就很累。
  5. eat
  点拨:Mr Johnson自然是想要鲨鱼吃掉那只猫。
My good friend Mike
I have a good friend. His name is Mike. He was born in September, 1988 in a small town near London. He is a middle school student. He came to China with his parents two years ago. His parents are teaching English in China now. He and his parents like China and Chinese food very much

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