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Then, with a long, loud sniff, that seemed to indicate that she had made up her mind, she said:"l'll take the position." "For all the world,"as Mrs. Banks said to her husband later, "as though she were doing us an honour." -MARY POPPINS CHAPTER ONE Nanny for Sale "Hi, this is Alexis at t (06/29/2007 09:12:29) [查看全文] Long, long ago, there was a good and honest man,whose name was Yohyo.He lived in a small village and worked as a woodcutter. One cold day in winter, when deep snow lay on the ground, Yohyo was returning home from his work in the forest. Over his shouider he carrid a sack of wood1, and as it was near evening and it was getting very (06/29/2007 08:51:32) [查看全文] The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile. The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men, Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again. It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness ble (06/29/2007 08:46:51) [查看全文] Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"
He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from r (06/29/2007 08:43:35) [查看全文] On the seashore of endless worlds children meet. The infinite sky is motionless overhead And the restless water is boisterous. On the seashore of endless worlds The children meet with shouts and dances. They build their houses with sand, And they play with (06/27/2007 06:34:36) [查看全文] hello, i am just back from HEISHUI KALONGGOU valley, now sharing my journey with you. it was very cold there, freezing, snowing, but interesting. (03/17/2007 12:11:40) [查看全文]
(01/17/2007 10:05:51) [查看全文] Fathers seldom say "I love you" Though the feeling's always there But somehow those three little words Are the hardest ones to share And fathers say "I love you" In ways t (12/27/2006 15:05:14) [查看全文]
作者欧里庇得斯是希腊三大悲剧诗人之一。 作品的背景是在科林德斯,在这异乡之地,育有二个孩子的母亲梅狄儿,正面临被即将与当地贵族少女结婚的丈夫抛弃的悲惨命运。她的故乡原来在黑海东岸的科吉斯,由于遇见为了寻找金羊而跟随希腊英雄出国的亚森,结果成为他爱情的俘虏,且不惜背叛父亲而与亚森私奔。他们历经困难回到亚森的国家,但是却找不到住处,只好来到科林德斯定居。在此他们度过一段平静的生活,然而目前他们之间的爱情却已濒致毁灭的边缘。梅狄儿觉得得自己受到严重的伤害与背叛,不禁泛起报复之心,于是她就先去拜访昔日 (10/23/2006 06:19:34) [查看全文]
作者贝纳德·圣比艾尔,法国作家。 《保罗与薇吉妮》的故事出自一位法国老人的口中。 失去丈夫的拉德尔夫人和来自布达纽的寡妇玛格莉特,在孤岛上相依为命,同时肩负着抚养儿女保罗与薇吉妮的天职。而后,随她俩前来的二位黑人仆从,也自然而然地结为夫妻,由这六人所构成的小社会,因毫不受文明的污染,而在大自然的熏陶下平静地度日。虽然生活中朴实无华,却充满了幸福。大家共享有着岛上的一切,因此在保罗与薇吉妮的心目中,根本不知何谓偷窃。同时,很明显地薇吉妮将成为保罗的妻子 (10/23/2006 06:19:33) [查看全文]
Braveheart Script
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert the Bruce (narrator): I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes. The king of Scotland had die (10/16/2006 09:16:58) [查看全文]
screen.width-133)this.width=screen.width-133"> (10/10/2006 06:28:01) [查看全文] |