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A mountain gorilla is seen watching tourists in Rwanda's northern Virunga range of volcanoes in this picture released by the Rwandan Tourism Office March 27, 2004. The tiny central African country is hoping high-end tourism will help it recover from the economic devastation of the 1994 genocide, which will mark its tenth anniversary on April 7 (07/18/2006 21:10:22) [查看全文] China needs 'very forceful' measures to cool its fast-growing economy, and steps taken so far will start to take effect in future and help to avoid economic volatility, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said April 28, 2004. Inflationary pressure was building in China due to a surge in money supply, bank credit and fixed asset investment, Wen told Reu (07/18/2006 21:10:11) [查看全文] |