1. Every man has a girl friend, and I have no exception.
2. My girlfriend is tougher than other girlfriends. 2.我的女朋友比一般女朋友厉害。
3. I have to get up at 7 every morning to prepare breakfast for her. 3.我每天早上七点起床,为她煮好早餐.
4. And gently wake her up, making sure it is after her sweet dr Former British prime minister Tony Blair proposed to his now wife Cherie while she was cleaning the toilet during a holiday in Italy, according to a new television documentary.
Cherie Blair told BBC television that the future prime minister popped the question in 1979 as she was tidying a villa in Tuscany.
"I'd cleaned the toile 1. 经评估,他是个疯子。 After examination, we believe he's psycho. 2. 他也是疯子。 He's also crazy.
3. 他一向任劳任怨,骂他也从不还口,他总不是个疯子吧。 He's been working hard and never shouted back. He's not psycho, isn't he?
1. 人生可以选择的事情太多了, 你可以选择这样的工作或那样的工作。 There are so many things in life you can choose. You can choose what kind of work you want to do. 2. 你可以选择这样的爱情或那样的爱情。 You can choose how to love.
3. 你可以选择这样的生活或那样的生活。 Yo 1. 我想开了,我宁愿做爱情的奴隶,也不要做工作的奴隶。 I've already thought it through. I'd rather be a slave to love than to work. 2. 我也是,人生苦短,为何要葬身在工作里。 Me too. Life is short. Why should we bury ourselves in work? 3. 哦,亲爱的,我们买完了。 Hi, honey, we're done. 4. 唉,看样子,不先做工作的奴隶就很难当爱情的奴隶... Alas, it 1. 你推荐什么? What do you recommend? 2. 如果您月入四万,我推荐吃鸡排; 月入六万,我推荐吃牛排;月入十万,我推荐吃龙虾。 If you earn 40 thousand a month, I will recommend chicken; 60 thousand a month, steak; 100 thousand a month, definitely lobster.
3. 如果我月入不到三万呢? What if I earn le Alas,I brought forward a lot of plans,but boss agreed with none of them. 唉,提了一堆企划案,老板没一个同意。
1.Don't think about what the company can offer you. 不要想公司能为你做什么。
2.But think about what you can do for the company. 要想你能为公司做什么。
4.what I can do for the company is to waste my life for it,
划!划! Hurry up! Hurry up!
我们有我们的尊严! We have our dignities!
Nice to meet you, I represents American company.
Nice to meet you, I represents French company. 您好,我是法商公司。
Nice to meet you, I represents Japanese company. 您好,我是日商公司。 I use the most luxury handbags. 我拿最高级的皮包。
I wear the finest clothes. 我穿最高级的衣服。
I have the most expensive shoes. 我用最高级的鞋子。
But waht I do is the job of lowest rank... 但我却做最低级的工作... Boss, suicide continues to happen in the company after the application of your iron-hand policy. 老板,自从你推行铁腕政策后就不断有员工自杀。
It did no good to motivate the staff. 像这种政策根本就没提高公司员工士气。
who told you that it's for motivation? 谁说是要提高员 Eat the cheapest sandwich in the morning. 早上吃最便宜的三明治。 Take a frugal lunch box at noon. 中午吃最廉价的便当。
Sixpenny hamburger for dinner. 晚上吃省钱的汉堡。 Then date the woman who is best at spending money. 然后跟最昂贵的女人约会。