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5月12日,自四川汶川发生7.8级地震之后,全球关注,举国恸容,中国宣传文化界在这场天灾面前情牵灾区,心系受灾群众,渴望为受灾的地区和百姓捐款捐物,奉献一份爱、贡献一份力。 (05/19/2008 08:52:20) [查看全文] China Geological Survey Bureau held Wenchuan induced by the earthquake and its secondary analysis of geological disasters, China's land resources aerogeophysical Centre for Remote Sensing, China Geological Environmental Monitoring Institute, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences by (05/19/2008 06:28:24) [查看全文]
Alinakaba she allegedly legs in the game are unmatched beauty magic Putin and together she Alinakaba Putin his wife to the husband will be ups (04/18/2008 08:09:48) [查看全文] A nude photo of French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy has been sold in New York for $US91,000, more than 20 times its expected price. (04/16/2008 10:28:10) [查看全文] 伊丽莎白(英语:Elizabeth或Elisabeth)源于希伯来语的基督教女子教名。
关于名字 名字含义 “伊丽莎白”这个名字起源于希伯来语人名以利沙巴(אֱלִישֶׁבַע),在旧约中这是亚伦的妻子的名字。“以利沙巴”一词的字面意思是“ (04/06/2008 09:26:33) [查看全文] By David Eimer on Hainan Island
It has taken five years of strutting and posing, and an annual fee believed to be worth £2 million, but China has achieved another of its global ambitions when a 23-year-old from Beijing was crowned Miss World. (03/31/2008 08:37:30) [查看全文]
英国文化协会在华作为英国大使馆文化教育处开展工作。为开展上述调查工作,英国文化协会征求了46个国家7000多名英语学习者对英语中最优美单词的意见。此外,英国文化协会还通过自己的网站在网上征求了非英语国家的意见。非英语国家中35000多人参加了投票,其中包括3500份来自中国的选票。 (03/11/2008 08:29:32) [查看全文] 刘翔一脸迷茫 在9日举行的第12届世界室内田径锦标赛颁奖仪式上,由于赛事组织者放错了国歌,中国名将刘翔不得不两次登上冠军领奖台。在下午举行的男子60米栏颁奖仪式上,现场没有响起中国人期待的《义勇军进行曲》那雄壮有力的旋律,而是响起了其他国家的国歌。这不仅使在场的中国人感到莫名其妙,刘翔也是一脸迷惑,就连外国记者也感到出了问题,争相向中国记者询问情况。经中国代表团交涉,赛事组织者承认是技术原因错放了智利国歌,决定重新举行 (03/10/2008 09:40:12) [查看全文] Moment of terror Da Silva injured lying on the ground AP Sports Writer evening - February 23, No. 27 Premiership starts the first game, Arsenal away challenges Birmingham, opening soon, gunmen striker Da Silva encountered serious injuries. Video - the new butcher knife gunmen burst shovel full playbac (02/24/2008 09:46:44) [查看全文] Edison Chen said in a statement apology -- 21 Feb today 15:00, artists Edison Chen (Back) at the Hong Kong Kowloon Bay ITC six held a press conference, Accor not as a public apology. Edison Chen said that the recent spread of the Internet is its most indecent photo shoot, but I never thought to these private p (02/21/2008 18:43:42) [查看全文] David Modeling gorgeous Zhang Ziyi Pieces "torch" 1, the most gorgeous: Zh (02/07/2008 09:25:23) [查看全文] Yuan's Rise Hints At A Policy Shift If China's exchange-rate policy is a speedometer for the government's move toward market economics, that thinking appears to be picking up speed. Thanks to a surge in recent weeks, the yuan is set to end 2007 up nearly 7% against the dollar -- twice the amount it appreciated against the U.S. currenc (01/01/2008 12:30:18) [查看全文] |