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人民币升值问题是最近的热点问题之一,在有关这方面的报道中我们经常可以看到hot money这个词,例如:Chinese central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan stressed that the Chinese central bank has the capability to sterilize the liquidity impact of inflow of "hot money" with additional monetary-policy instruments. 这句话的意思是中国中央银行有能力通过附加的货币政策来避免“ (04/06/2007 06:08:26) [查看全文] 据报道,2004年11月20日,土耳其第一大城市伊斯坦布尔市中心连续发生5次剧烈爆炸,造成至少13人死亡,另有多人受伤。其中有2次爆炸发生在位于伊斯坦布尔商业区的汇丰银行附近,爆炸摧毁了部分建筑,至少3人死亡。 外电中有这样的报道: Trucks packed with explosives blew up near the high-rise headquarters of the London-based HSBC bank and the British consulate on Thursday, killing at least 25 peop (04/06/2007 06:08:26) [查看全文] 因投资者担心美联储将可能会更快且更大幅度地提高利息,美国股市2004年6月14日收盘下挫。 外电中有这样的报道: U.S. stocks retreated on Monday, as a stronger-than-expected retail sales report and a key consumer prices reading on Tuesday increased fears the Federal Reserve may take a more aggressive stance toward raising interest rat (04/06/2007 06:08:25) [查看全文] 2004年6月16日,NBA本赛季盟主产生。底特律活塞队主场以100-87掀翻洛杉矶湖人队,自1990年之后再圆总冠军之梦。 外电有这样的报道: As the final buzzer sounded and confetti began dropping, Pistons coach Larry Brown received an affectionate handshake and smile at midcourt from Lakers coach Phil Jackson and a hug from Kobe Bryant. (04/06/2007 06:08:25) [查看全文] 2004年,世界最大的零售商沃尔玛公司的性别歧视案被确定为集体诉讼。这起集体诉讼的原告方为沃尔玛自1998年以来的所有女性员工,总人数达到160万。这是美国历史上涉案人数最多的一起集体诉讼案。 外电的报道这样说: A federal judge in the United States ruled that a sex discrimination case against Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, can be pursued as a class action lawsuit. The suit (04/06/2007 06:08:25) [查看全文] 2004年6月28日,美国政府拒绝了美国联合航空公司的第三次(也是最后一次)对借款保函的申请,迫使这个全球第二大航空公司凭自身的力量获取资金,摆脱破产困境。 外电是这样报道的: The U.S. government on Monday rejected United Airlines' third and final bid for a loan guarantee, forcing the carrier to move forward with its efforts to secure financing on its own to exit b (04/06/2007 06:08:24) [查看全文] |