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美国第六大银行美一银行(Bank One)的共同基金子公司被指控在进行择时交易业务时有不法行为。2004年6月29日,美一银行为解决此事同意支付9,000万美元,与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)和纽约州司法部长斯皮策(Eliot Spitzer)达成和解。受指控的共同基金子公司One Group Funds前总裁Mark Beeson被处以10万美元罚款,并且2年内禁止他在基金行业就职。 外电中有这样的报道: Bank One Corp. agreed Tuesday on the eve of its final day as an independen (04/06/2007 06:08:24) [查看全文] 尽管美国原油库存增加,油价下跌,石油输出国组织(OPEC)仍将如期执行从2004年8月份开始每日增产50万桶原油的计划。 外电中有这样的报道: OPEC needs to stick to its pledge to raise daily crude oil output by half a million barrels on Aug. 1, even though U.S. oil prices are lower and inventories are higher. Inventory 除了“详细目录、财产清单”的意思外,还表示 (04/06/2007 06:08:24) [查看全文] 2004年7月8日,因涉嫌公司财务丑闻被起诉的安然前首席执行官肯尼斯。莱在法庭上坚称自己无罪,并表示前首席财务官安德鲁。法斯托才是真正应该受到谴责的人。 他表示:At our core, regrettably, we had a chief financial officer and a few other people who, in fact, mismanaged the company's balance sheet and finances and enriched themselves in a way that once we got into a st (04/06/2007 06:08:23) [查看全文] 英国连锁超级市场圣斯伯里公司(J Sainsbury)的股票重跌5.7%,这主要是由于稍早时候公司宣布2004至05年的税前盈利将低于市场预期,而且董事会主席彼特。戴维斯 (Peter Davis) 被迫辞职。由于股东对彼特。戴维斯的奖金方案和继任人选不满,该公司于2004年7月8日宣布收回给予戴维斯的奖金。 外电中有这样的报道: The company said the decision to claw back every penny of the bonus was made when the board realized the true sca (04/06/2007 06:08:23) [查看全文] 2004年,由于油价上涨,美国股市持续走低,而闭市时出现了小幅上升,这主要是因为通用电气的盈利好于预期,使得买客纷纷返回市场,但其他数家公司发出盈利预警,导致大市升势受到抑制。 外电中有这样的报道: Quarterly results from widely watched companies such as Intel Corp. and Johnson & Johnson will get the earnings season into full swing over the coming days. 其中full swin (04/06/2007 06:08:23) [查看全文] 2004年7月14日,在就微软利用其影响力签署特权合同一事进行了调查之后,日本公平贸易委员会(FTC)正式对软件业巨头微软提出不得违反反垄断法的警告。 外电有这样的报道: Software giant Microsoft Corp. received a warning from Japan's anti-trust regulators about unfair business practices on Tuesday, but the decision did not carry the heavy fines the U.S. firm was (04/06/2007 06:08:23) [查看全文] 2004年7月15日,IT业巨头IBM公司公布了2004年第二季度的收益情况,报告显示,由于硬件设备销售状况良好,IBM实现了季度收益的第六次持续增长。 外电有这样的报道: IBM on Thursday reported its sixth consecutive quarterly rise in profit, as strength in computer hardware and services largely shielded it from the shortfalls that hit other technology companie (04/06/2007 06:08:22) [查看全文] 2004年美元走势不好,而金融大鳄索罗斯更是往美元的伤口上撒了把盐,说美元与欧元、加拿大元、澳元、新西兰元和黄金的比价将贬值。 外电报道: George Soros, the hedge-fund manager who earned his place in trading history by betting successfully against the British pound in 1992, disclosed that the dollar would decline in value "against the euro, agains (04/06/2007 06:08:22) [查看全文] 2004年7月22日,亚马逊公布了其2004年第二季度的收益状况。尽管公司的季度收益低于华尔街专业人士的预测值,但这个网上最大的零售商仍坚称要继续实行免费送货的激励机制,消息传出后公司股票在几小时内狂跌。 外电有这样的报道: he company's forecasts for the third quarter were weaker than analysts expected. "The outlook for the near term, in the September quarter, implies a fairly significant (04/06/2007 06:08:22) [查看全文] 2004年7月31日,WTO的147个成员国在日内瓦召开会议,就新的全球贸易条约中的削减补贴和进口关税等问题达成一致意见。尽管在关键的农业领域,穷国和富国、出口国和进口国分歧较大,但经过艰难的谈判一揽子建议即将达成。 外电有这样的报道: Following an all-night negotiating marathon, key countries agreed on a package of proposals for future reform of global farm trade. A package of proposal (04/06/2007 06:08:21) [查看全文] 2004年8月2日,纽约证券交易所(NYSE)宣布计划打破它在电子化交易方面的限制,大力发展网上定单,这标志着NYSE 改变了两个世纪以来传统的公开报价体制(open-outcry auction system)的绝对统治地位。 外电有这样的报道: The proposal would create a "unique hybrid market" that maintains the traditional system of floor traders, but would also increase the use of the exchange' (04/06/2007 06:08:21) [查看全文] 据报道,美国思科公司2004年8月10日发布了最新的财务报告,由于企业客户对其网络设备的需求在不断增长,在于2004年7月31日结束的第四财季中,思科的季度收益比上个季度上涨了41%,净利润为14亿美元。第三财季,曾有投资者对思科的库存大幅增长表示不安。但思科高层在2004年5月份表示这不是什么大问题。 外电有这样的报道: The firm's shares lost more than 5% during after-hours electronic trading in New York. But chief executive John Chamb (04/06/2007 06:08:21) [查看全文] 据报道,2004雅典奥运会仅靠出售电视转播权一项,就为国际奥委会带来了15亿美元的收益,几乎是1984年洛杉矶奥运会的5倍。 外电报道如下: The National Broadcasting Company in the US purchased the television rights for 793 million US dollars, the highest price paid for an event of this kind. But the company still earned net profits of over 200 mi (04/06/2007 06:08:21) [查看全文] 从2004年8月31日开始,中国移动和民生银行联合宣布,在全国范围内正式推出“手机钱包业务”,民生银行卡用户可以申请将自己的银行账号与中国移动的手机号进行捆绑,从而实现手机支付功能。 新华网报道如下: China Mobile has teamed up with Minsheng Banking Corporation to offer a mobile phone financial service. It alows users to pay phone fees through mobile phone, China Radio Internai (04/06/2007 06:08:20) [查看全文] 2004年9月3日,全球传媒巨头《福布斯》杂志中文版首次推出了“内地最佳商业城市排行榜”。上榜前10名分别是杭州、宁波、大连、上海、温州、北京、苏州、无锡、绍兴和深圳,而广州名列第14位。 新华社报道如下: Which is the most vibrant business city in China? Forbes Magazine has for the first time answered the question by releasing a 2004 mainland's best business city ranking, and su (04/06/2007 06:08:20) [查看全文] |