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By a strange coincidence, Chia Pao-yue becomes acquainted with the golden clasp. In an unexpected meeting, Hsueeh Pao-ch'ai sees the jade of spiritual perception. Pao-yue and lady Feng, we will now explain, paid, on their return home, their respects to all the inmates, and (04/10/2007 09:59:22) [查看全文] CHAPTER VII.
Presentation of artificial flowers made in the Palace. Chia Lien disports himself with Hsi-feng. Pao-yue meets Ch'in Chung at a family party. To resume our narrative. Chou Jui's wife having seen old goody Liu off, speedily came to report the visit to madame Wang; but, contr (04/10/2007 09:58:59) [查看全文] CHAPTER VI.
Chia Pao-yue reaps his first experience in licentious love. Old Goody Liu pays a visit to the Jung Kuo Mansion. Mrs. Ch'in, to resume our narrative, upon hearing Pao-yue call her in his dream by her infant name, was at heart very exercised, but she did not however feel at li (04/10/2007 09:58:32) [查看全文] CHAPTER V.
The spirit of Chia Pao-yue visits the confines of the Great Void. The Monitory Vision Fairy expounds, in ballads, the Dream of the Red Chamber. Having in the fourth chapter explained, to some degree, the circumstances attending the settlement of the mother and children of the (04/09/2007 09:58:30) [查看全文] CHAPTER IV.
An ill-fated girl happens to meet an ill-fated young man. The Hu Lu Bonze adjudicates the Hu Lu case. Tai-yue, for we shall now return to our story, having come, along with her cousin to madame Wang's apartments, found madame Wang discussing certain domestic occurrences with (04/09/2007 09:57:57) [查看全文] CHAPTER III.
Lin Ju-hai appeals to his brother-in-law, Chia Cheng, recommending Yue-ts'un, his daughter's tutor, to his consideration. Dowager lady Chia sends to fetch her granddaughter, out of commiseration for her being a motherless child. But to proceed with our (04/09/2007 09:57:40) [查看全文] CHAPTER II.
The spirit of Mrs. Chia Shih-yin departs from the town of Yang Chou. Leng Tzu-hsing dilates upon the Jung Kuo Mansion. To continue. Feng Su, upon hearing the shouts of the public messengers, came out in a flurry and forcing a smile, he asked them to explain (their errand); b (04/09/2007 09:57:17) [查看全文] The Dream of the Red Chamber
CHAPTER I. Chen Shih-yin, in a vision, apprehends perception and spirituality. Chia Yue-ts'un, in the (windy and dusty) world, cherishes fond thoughts of a beautiful maiden. This is the opening section; this the first chapter. Subsequent (04/09/2007 09:56:47) [查看全文] (04/04/2007 09:10:41) [查看全文] On baoyu's birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan's concubine, collected some flower and grass and began a grass game with the other. "This one is bodhisattva willow," one said. And another one would say, "I have arh (04/04/2007 09:09:59) [查看全文] One day, Tanchun, Li Wen, Li Qi and Xing Youyan came to a pond. "Let's test our luck for the new year by fishing," Tanchun suggested to the rest of the girls. " Whoever has a catch will be lucky throughout the year." Everybody agreed. Tanchun started first. She lowered the line into the water and before long, a fish bit her hook. She h (04/04/2007 09:09:36) [查看全文] 《红楼梦》是中国的旷世巨著,大陆、香港、台湾都曾改编拍成电影,家喻户晓。五六十年代多位中外学者就曾经把《红楼梦》英译,介绍到西方国家去,但由于种种问题,都只是节译而已。直至70年代有一位牛津大学的讲座教授霍克思(David Hawks),竟然不惜辞去职务,专心埋首于全部《红楼梦》的英译。他的译笔功力深邃,英文写得非常流畅。请先欣赏霍克斯在《红楼梦》英译本自序中的最后一段感人的话:"My one abiding principle has been to translate everything-even puns. For although this is ,in the sense I have already indicated, an 'unfinished' (04/04/2007 09:09:07) [查看全文] Homecoming by an Imperial Concubine This is an episode from the novel A Dream of Red Mansions. Just as the whole family was busy prepasring the birthday ceremony for Jia Zheng, Jia was summoned to report to the imperial court. His family did not know why and felt uneasy about it. The family members waited for quite a w (03/16/2007 15:20:56) [查看全文] 儿童英语阅读 英语阅读 儿童英语 (03/16/2007 15:18:25) [查看全文] 儿童英语阅读 英语阅读 儿童英语 (03/16/2007 15:07:41) [查看全文] |