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Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Once upon a time there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he got into a conversation with the king, and to make an impression on him he said, "I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold."
(05/13/2007 01:04:24) [查看全文]
King Thrushbeard
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  A king had a daughter who was beautiful beyond all measure, but at the same time so proud and arrogant that no suitor was good enough for her. She rejected one after the other, ridiculing them as well.
  Once the king sponsored a
(05/10/2007 11:16:52) [查看全文]
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Once upon a time there was a forester. He went into the woods to hunt, and after entering the woods he heard a sound of crying, as though it were a little child. Following the sound, he finally came to a tall tree, at the top of which a li
(05/10/2007 11:16:18) [查看全文]
Little Brier-Rose
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  In past times there were a king and a queen, who said every day, "Oh, if only we had a child!" but they never received one.
  Then it happened one day while the queen was sitting in her bath, that a frog crept out of the water o
(05/10/2007 11:14:45) [查看全文]
The Six Swans
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  A king was once hunting in a great forest, and he chased his prey so eagerly that none of his men could follow him. As evening approached he stopped and looked around, and saw that he was lost. He looked for a way out of the woods, but he c
(05/10/2007 11:12:34) [查看全文]
Old Sultan
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  A farmer had a faithful dog named Sultan, who had grown old and lost all his teeth, and could no longer hold onto anything. One day the farmer was standing with his wife before the house door, and said, "Tomorrow I intend to shoot Old Sultan.
(05/10/2007 10:55:56) [查看全文]
The Juniper Tree
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Long ago, at least two thousand years, there was a rich man who had a beautiful and pious wife, and they loved each other dearly. However, they had no children, though they wished very much to have some, and the woman prayed for them day
(05/09/2007 06:13:56) [查看全文]
Fitcher's Bird
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Once upon a time there was a sorcerer who disguised himself as a poor man, went begging from house to house, and captured beautiful girls. No one knew where he took them, for none of them ever returned.
  One day he came to the doo
(05/09/2007 06:13:11) [查看全文]
Godfather Death
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  A poor man had twelve children and had to work day and night in order just to feed them. Thus when the thirteenth came into the world, not knowing what to do in his need, he ran out into the highway, intending to ask the first person whom
(05/09/2007 06:12:35) [查看全文]
Frau Trude
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Once upon a time there was a small girl who was strong willed and forward, and whenever her parents said anything to her, she disobeyed them. How could anything go well with her?
  One day she said to her parents: "I have heard so much
(05/09/2007 06:12:05) [查看全文]
 The Godfather
  Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  A poor man had so many children that he had already asked everyone in the world to be godfather, and when still another child was born, no one else was left whom he could ask. He did not know what to do, and, in his sorrow, he lay down and fell asleep. Then he dreamed that he should go outside
(05/09/2007 06:11:28) [查看全文]
Herr Korbes
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Once upon a time there were a rooster and a hen who wanted to take a journey together. So the rooster built a handsome carriage with four red wheels, and hitched four mice to it. The hen climbed aboard with the rooster, and they drove away to
(05/07/2007 10:22:52) [查看全文]
The Robber Bridegroom
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  Once upon a time there was a miller who had a beautiful daughter. When she came of age he wished that she was provided for and well married. He thought, "If a respectable suitor comes and asks for her hand in marriage, I will give
(05/07/2007 10:21:40) [查看全文]
Mrs. Fox's Wedding
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  First Tale
  Once upon a time there was an old fox with nine tails. He did not believe that his wife was faithful to him and wanted to put her to the test. He stretched himself out beneath the bench, did not move a limb, and pr
(05/07/2007 10:19:52) [查看全文]
Table-Be-Set, Gold-Donkey, and Cudgel-out-of-the-Sack
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  There was once upon a time a tailor who had three sons, and only one goat. But as the goat supported all of them with her milk, she was obliged to have good food, and to be taken every day to pasture.
(05/07/2007 10:18:51) [查看全文]
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